Student Employment
ITS employs students to assist us in our mission of providing the best technological support and infrastructure possible to the Wesleyan community. ITS offers invaluable training and job experience in a variety of technical areas that include working with Help Desk, Instructional Media Services, and Technical Support Services. For currently available jobs, please consult Handshake.
- Spring 2025 Wages
Semester Standard Advanced Manager Head Manager Low/High Specialist Low/High 1st Sem 16.35 16.35 - - 16.35/16.35 2nd Sem 16.74 17.01 - - 16.35/17.35 3rd; 4th Sem 17.13 17.39 17.43 17.76/18.09 17.49/17.86 5th; 6th Sem 17.49 17.74 18.01 17.35/18.70 18.40/18.70 7th; 8th Sem 17.85 18.41 18.45 18.91/19.95 19.35/19.76 - ITS Student Employment for Summer and Winter Breaks
Student Employee Hourly Wage Rates for Summer and Winter Breaks
Student I Student II Student III $16.95 per hour $18.25 per hour $19.35 per hour Moderate level Skills Experienced Level Skills Advanced Level Skills Requires Supervision Moderate Supervision Requires Little Supervision Support Position Many Responsibilities Supervisory Responsibilities Housing
Student employees are responsible for securing their own housing. For detailed information about on-campus summer housing, students should visit the Office of Residential Life.