Wesleyan University Website Privacy Notice
Wesleyan University affiliated websites use “cookies” and other technologies to better understand the experiences of visitors to the websites.
A “cookie” is a small text file of information sent by a web site to be stored in a web browser so that it can be accessed and read from that browser at a later time. Data gathered about website activity of a user may include things like demographic data, browser information, IP address, and the pages visited. Such data may be used by Wesleyan to provide a better user experience by targeting specific types of content for users.
A cookie may remain on your computer after you log off or leave a website. Cookies can be managed through your web browser settings. Please be aware, that disabling or deleting cookies may impact experiences on websites, and that web browser plugins, like Adobe Flash, may manage cookies separately.
Wesleyan University treats all personally identifiable information in a secure manner. Please see Wesleyan’s Data Security & Privacy Protection Policy for more information.