All courses should be taken for a grade: A-F
1. One of the following two introductory physics courses: PHYS 111 Introductory Physics
PHYS 112 Introductory Physics II
PHYS 113 General Physics I
PHYS 116 General Physics II
2. One of the following two introductory computer science courses:
COMP 112 Introduction to Programming
COMP 113/BIOL/MB&B 265 - Bioinformatics Programming, or approved alternatives
COMP 114 How to Talk to Machines
COMP 115 How to Design Programs
COMP 211 Computer Science I
COMP 113/BIOL/MB&B 265 - Bioinformatics Programming, or approved alternatives
COMP 114 How to Talk to Machines
COMP 115 How to Design Programs
COMP 211 Computer Science I
3. One advanced computer science course from the following courses:
COMP 212 Computer Science II
COMP 312 Algorithms and Complexity
COMP 212 Computer Science II
COMP 312 Algorithms and Complexity
COMP 331 Computer Structure and Organization
COMP 301 Automata Theory and Formal Languages
4. One of the two upper-level introductory modeling courses:
COMP 301 Automata Theory and Formal Languages
4. One of the two upper-level introductory modeling courses:
PHYS 221 Modeling and Data Analysis: From Molecules to Markets
PHYS 340 Computational Physics: Algorithms and Clusters
BIOL 263 Demystifying Data: Introductory Data Analysis and Modeling
5. One course of the following applied modeling courses:
5. One course of the following applied modeling courses:
CHEM 340 Physical Chemistry IV: Quantum Chemistry
COMP 301 Automata Theory and Formal Languages
COMP 301 Automata Theory and Formal Languages
ECON 380 Mathematical Economics
ECON 385 Econometrics
QAC 201 Applied Data Analysis