Appointment Descriptions/What To Do Before Visit

Alcohol follow-up

Providers:      Tom McLarney, MD; Emily Daponte, MD

Duration:       20 minutes

Content:         Mandated by Dean’s office.  Review of incident, assessment of medical complications, screening for alcohol dependency, referral for other services if needed.

Homework:   Complete online alcohol assessment/print results and bring to appointment


Contraceptive (Pill) Prescription

Providers:      Sandy Frimel PA-C, Sharon Kandro, APRN, Emily Daponte, MD

Duration:       20 minutes

Content:        Provision of prescription for oral contraceptive pills.

Homework:   Completed copy of Wesleyan's Gyn form and OC pill form


Contraceptive (Pill) Dispense

 Provider:       Nurses

Duration:      depends on request

Content:       Dispensation of current oral contraceptive pill (Rx written by Health Center)


Dermatologic Procedures

Provider:      Tom McLarney, MD; Emily Daponte, MD

Duration:      20 minutes

Content:       Wart treatment, removal or biopsy of skin lesions

Homework:  N/A


Diaphragm Fitting

 Provider:      Sandy Frimel, PA-C

Duration:      60 minutes

Content:       Fitting for diaphragm for contraception

Homework:  N/A


Emergency Contraception (Morning After Pill)

Providers:   Nurse Dispense

Duration:     10 minutes

Content:      Dispensation of Emergency Contraception pills (currently Plan B).  Note: Most effective when taken ASAP, but may be effective up to 5 days after unprotected intercourse.

Homework:  N/A


Gyn/Pelvic Exam/Pap Smear/Annual Exam -

Providers:     Sandy Frimel PA-C; ; Sharon Kandro, APRN; Emily Daponte, MD

Duration:      40 minutes

Content:       Physical exam, breast exam, pelvic exam, Pap smear, discussion regarding contraceptive options, discussion regarding STI’s


Gyn Problem

Providers:     Sandy Frimel PA-C; Sharon Kandro, APRN; Emily Daponte, MD

Duration:      30 minutes

Content:       Acute or chronic gynecologic problem including STI symptoms, new change in menstrual pattern.  Typically involves a pelvic exam.  A full Gyn visit may be recommended. 

Homework:  May need to produce a urine specimen; may need to bring copies of previous Gyn records (for care received elsewhere)


Healthy Eating Program

 Provider:      Emily Daponte, MD

Duration:     40 minutes

Content:      Review of medical history for those students with an eating disorder. Discuss available services including medical, psychological and nutrition services. May include subsequent follow up visits.


HIV Counseling and Testing 

Providers:   All Clinicians

Duration:    20 minutes by appointment

Content:     Overview of HIV counseling and testing process, detailed review and discussion of sexual history and HIV risk activity, appropriate risk reduction/safer sex education and support. 

Homework: N/A



Providers:   All

Duration:    N/A

Content:     Ideally by appointment, but as a walk-in if acute/emergency e.g. bleeding, possible need for X-Ray, possible need for hospital referral

Homework: N/A


Laboratory Work

 Provider:     Pearl Mack, Medical Assistant (Phlebotomist)

Duration:     10 minutes

Content:      Collection of blood for testing performed outside the Health Center.

Homework: Bring insurance card/insurance information to Health Center.


Meal Plan

Providers:    Tom McLarney, MD; Emily Daponte, MD

Duration:     20minutes

Content:      Review of medical data supporting request for modification of meal plan.

Homework: Bring any documents supporting your diagnosis, especially ones which detail dietary restrictions specific to you.


Medical Record Review/Accommodation Request

Providers:   Tom McLarney, MD; Emily Daponte, MD

Duration:    20 minutes

Content:     Review of past medical history for those students with a complicated diagnosis or otherwise likely to benefit from close relationship with the Health Center or requesting accommodations.

Homework: Bring any documents which support and explain your diagnosis.



Providers:   Sue Gebo, Registered Dietitian

Duration:     Initial 60 minutes; follow-up 30 minutes

Content:      Nutritional assessment (intake vs. needs); meal planning; nutrition education and counseling.  Please note a $25 fee is assess for no-show appointments.

Homework: 3-day food record, including times and amounts


Physical (Full)

Providers:   All

Duration:    40 minutes (Please discuss with office staff any forms at time of making appointment)

Content:     Complete medical history and physical exam.  Typically indicated for an application for work or travel, but occasionally as a wellness visit.

Homework: Know medical history of self and immediate family. Complete any patient sections of form before arrival.


Prescription refill

Providers:   Nurses

Duration:    10 minutes

Content:     Provision of prescription for medications taken on a regular or occasional basis.  Note:  ADD/ADHD and Psychiatric medications are typically prescribed by Aleksandra Kinard at Counseling and Psychological Services.

Homework: Name of medication and dose (ideally empty tube or bottle), duration of therapy, contact information for prior prescriber.


Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) Check (no symptoms) 

Providers: All

Duration: 30 minutes

Other: Weekly Express STI Screening clinic available, see website for additional information.


Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) Symptoms or Exposure

Providers:   All

Duration:    30 minutes

Content:     Evaluation and treatment of STI symptoms or for STI exposure.  


Sick visit 

Providers:    All

Duration:     20

Content:      Evaluation and treatment of acute or chronic condition. 



Suture Removal

Providers:     Nurses

Duration:      N/A

Content:       Removal of sutures or staples placed here or elsewhere.

Homework:  N/A


Travel Immunizations

Provider:       Jeanine Hanlon, R.N.

Duration:      20 minutes

Content:       Read/sign permission; receive immunizations. Shots administered followed by 20-30 minutes observation.

Homework:  Must have had Travel Consult first; bring yellow international vaccine card if you have it.


Travel Physical

Providers:     All

Duration:      40-60 minutes depending on complexity of form (Peace Corps and Fulbright = 60 minutes)

Content:       Exam and testing as required by your study abroad program.

Homework:  Bring all relevant forms, complete your sections.


Wart Treatment

 Providers:    All Clinicians

Duration:     20 minutes

Content:       Liquid nitrogen treatments and follow-up procedures (Fee: $15)

Homework:  N/A  


Wellness and Sexual Health -

Providers:     All

Duration:      40 minutes

Content:       Designed for all students irrespective of sexual or gender identity, this visit includes:  brief review and discussion of health topics relevant to your age group, detailed review of sexual history, risk appropriate education and counseling, exam, risk-appropriate testing, intervention as directed. 

Homework:  Complete Pre-Visit Survey and bring it with you. Don’t urinate for at least one hour before the visit.