Gardasil Vaccine Against Human Papillomavirus (HPV)

This vaccine (Gardasil; Merck and Co.) protects against four strains of HPV:  6, 11, 16 and 18.  Types 6 and 11 account for 90% of cases of genital warts (Condyloma) and types 16 and 18 account for 70% of cases of cervical cancer.  Studies show the vaccine to have 99% efficacy against types 6 and 11 and 100% efficacy against types 16 and 18 when given before exposure to any of these types.  It is of no benefit against existing infection with individual types, though would still protect against types to which an individual is naïve (has not yet been exposed).  The vaccine is safe and effective for females and males 9-26 years old, regardless of their sexual history. 

The vaccine requires three shots over six months. Please note the Health Center also stocks new Gardasil-9, which offers additional protection. The vaccine is covered for students with university-sponsored insurance. Many private insurance carriers cover the cost of the vaccine and students receiving it here will be provided with a bill they can submit to their insurance carrier for reimbursement.  For students with private insurance, the fee can be billed to the student account and payment must be made at the time of appointment.  Please call 860-685-2470 to schedule an appointment. 

The Davison Health Center (DHC) recommends this vaccine for all females and males under 26.  Those wishing to discuss receiving the vaccine should schedule an appointment with a DHC provider.  Others may wish to discuss and/or begin receiving the vaccine at the time of their next annual exam.  Those who have started the vaccine at home or elsewhere may continue receiving it here and should discuss these plans with the DHC vaccine nurse.  Students over 26 interested in the vaccine should schedule an appointment with Dr. Daponte to discuss options.

Any student wishing counseling regarding HPV or to further discuss the vaccine should schedule an appointment with a Health Center Provider.

Click here for the HPV Vaccine Information Sheet.