Leadership Giving Societies

Wesleyan leadership societies recognize alumni, parents and friends who put the University first in their philanthropy. All are welcome to join!

For more information about Wesleyan's leadership societies, contact Ann Bertini, associate director of donor relations.

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    1831 Society

    Recognizes leadership donors who make a total annual gift of $1,831 or more. The society is named in commemoration of Wesleyan's founding year (1831).

    The 1831 Society also recognizes students and Graduates of the Last Decade (GOLD) who are making annual leadership gifts to Wesleyan. 
    Senior Class: $100
    1 to 5 Years Out: $250+
    6 to 10th Reunion: $500+

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    Wesleyan Circle

    Recognizes the extraordinary philanthropic commitment of Wesleyan donors who have given $1,000,000 or more to the University in their lifetime.
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    Olin Society

    Recognizes members of the Wesleyan community who have demonstrated their commitment to the future of the University by including Wesleyan in their estate plans or by making life income or deferred gifts.