
External Clients are individuals or groups not affiliated with Wesleyan who rent Wesleyan space to host a program/event.

Wesleyan Affiliate Clients are Wesleyan students, staff, faculty, alumni, and members of their immediate families who rent space for an event not sponsored by Wesleyan.  External rates apply less a 20% discount.

Internal Clients are current Wesleyan departments, student groups, or individual students who use Wesleyan space for events directly related to the instructional mission of the University of the life of the campus community beyond the classroom. Internal clients are only charged for services provided such as furniture set ups, technical support including recordings, custodial services, campus signage, public safety services, and internal facilities use fees where applicable. 

Wesleyan Co-Sponsored Clients are academic programs, conferences and/or meetings involving a Wesleyan academic department, administrative unit or student group and an outside organization such as a professional association in which Wesleyan holds membership or maintains a relationship that directly benefits Wesleyan.  If a Wesleyan department has agreed to partner with an outside organization in this manner, they must be prepared to accept all charges for services provided on campus.