This research focuses on quantifying modern and ancient biogeochemical processes in both terrestrial and marine environments. Study areas include the coastal zones of Panama, Saint Lucia, and Connecticut and soils, groundwaters, rivers, and lakes located in Michigan and Ontario, Canada. Ku, Greenwood
Conservation of Aquatic EcosystemsSystematics and biogeography of fresh water fishes of Latin America; morphological evolution; conservation of aquatic ecosystems. Chernoff
Fossil Plants and Ancient Climates
We develop plant-based methods and apply them to fossils to help us better understand the ecology and climate (temperature, CO2 concentration) of ancient terrestrial ecosystems. Royer
Geoscience Education
We are working to improve teaching and learning about the Earth and Environment to ensure an educated society and recruit and retain a diverse community of future scientists. OConnell, Resor
Long Island Sound Studies
Focus on the coastal salt marshes of Long Island Sound, using the variation in geochemisty and fauna to reconstrcut the ecology, environment and sea level rise through time. Inventory of marsh vegetaion using remote sensing. Gilmore
Analyses of Ocean Drilling Program cores of the Atlantic, Antarctic and Pacific allow reconstruction of Cenozoic climatic history. O'Connell
Ancient earth-ocean interactions, paleoceanography and paleoenvironmental reconstructions, quantitative paleoecology, and marine micropaleontology. Bryant
Planetary Science
Fundamental geologic and mineralogical mapping of the planets, notably Venus and Mars. Visible/Near Infrared spectroscopy of analogue materials. Hydrogen, sulfur and oxygen isotope ratios of minerals constrain element reservoirs in meteorite parent bodies, Mars and the Moon. Gilmore, Greenwood
Structural Geology and Tectonophysics
We study faults, folds, and metamorphic fabrics through mapping at the thin section, outcrop, and regional scales, aided by 3D imaging, numerical modeling, and geochronology to better understand rock deformation, rheology and tectonic history. Resor