College of Social Studies

The College of Social Studies (CSS) is a rigorous, multidisciplinary major focusing on History, Government, Political and Social Theory, and Economics. Founded in 1959, the CSS is reading and writing intensive, encouraging intellectual independence with weekly essays, small group tutorials, and a vibrant intellectual environment.

CSS Students and Tutors December 2021 PAC-Photo---Church-Street-Side.jpg 

FS-in-Frank-Center.jpg CSS Library 2024

The CSS Office, Lounge, and Library are now located on the third floor of the newly renovated Frank Center for Public Affairs at 238 Church Street.

Attention First Year Students in the Class of 2028

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    Save the Date 1/31/25


    FRIDAY, JANUARY 31 at NOON in the CSS Lounge, Frank Center/PAC 304

    Pizza will be served in the CSS Lounge at noon. At 12:15 p.m. we will move to room 301 for the meeting where CSS tutors and students will explain the program and discuss what it means for them. 

    Please note that the CSS program starts in the sophomore year.