IDEAS Minor Concentrations

There are thirteen available concentrations for the IDEAS Minor.

To fulfill the IDEAS Minor requirements, students must take 3 IDEAS core classes and 4 IDEAS Minor concentation classes. Course lists for each concentration are available below:

  • Applied Math

    Mathematical methods applied in science, engineering, computer science, and social science.

    4 concentration courses required (2 in Engineering Design; 1 in Computing and Programming Foundations; 1 from Applied Math Elective

    Course List
    Code Title Courses
    If not completed in the general requirements, two of the following engineering design courses: 2
    IDEA170 Introduction to Mechanical Design and Engineering  
    IDEA175 Introduction to Electrical Design & Engineering  
    IDEA210 How Things Fail: Mechanics and Materials  
    IDEA211 Materials and Design Concepts for Structures  
    IDEA215 Introduction to Sensors, Measurement, and Data Analysis  
    IDEA292 Interdisciplinary Project Lab  
    One course in computing and programming foundations: 1
    BIOL265  Bioinformatics Programming  
    COMP112 Introduction to Programming  
    COMP113 Bioinformatics Programming  
    COMP114 How to Talk to Machines  
    COMP115 How to Design Programs  
    COMP211 Computer Science I  
    PHYS340 Computational Physics  
    One additional course from the following list: 1
    IDEA292 Interdisciplinary Project Lab  
    MATH229 Differential Equations  
    MATH231 An Introduction to Probability  
    MATH232 Mathematical Statistics  
    PHYS213 Waves and Oscillations  
    PHYS217 Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos  
    PHYS565 Mathematical Physics  
  • Archaeology

    Archaeological and Design Approaches to Ancient Objects and Ancient Technologies.

    3 IDEAS Core Classes required, the following are recommended:

    • Design & Engineering Course: IDEA170 Introduction to Mechanical Design and Engineering
    • Design & Art Course: ARST220 Ecological Design 1: Being at Home in the World
    • Design & Technology Course: ARCP 210/IDEA 205: The Technological Primate: Archaeological Approaches to Ancient Technology


    4 concentration courses required (1 Archaeology Introductory course; 1 Archaeology course introducing experimental approaches; 2 Archaeology project-based courses)

    Course List
    If not completed in the general requirements, two of the following engineering design courses:  
    Code Title Courses
    Archaeology Required Course 1
    ARCP204 Introduction to Archaeology  
    Archaeology Courses introducing Experimental Approaches 1
    ARCP201 Art and Archaeology of the Bronze Age Mediterranean  
    ARCP203 Greek Archaeology and Art  
    ARCP210 The Technological Primate: Archaeological Approaches to Ancient Technology  
    ARCP214 Ancient DNA and Archaeology  
    ARCP275 Introduction to Archaeological Science: Natural Science Approaches to the Human Past  
    ARCP350 Animals in Archaeology  
    Archaeology Project-Based Courses 2
    ARCP234 Art and Society in Ancient Pompeii  
    ARCP257 Environmental Archaeology  
    ARCP285 Off with its Pedestal! The Greek Vase as Art and Artifact  
    ARCP291 East Asian Archaeology  
    ARCP293 Numismatics and the Archaeology of Money  
    ARCP352 Ancient Medicine: Potions, & Phytochemistry in the Mediterranean  
    ARCP360 Experimental Archaeology: Linking Modern Observations to Past Behaviors
  • Arts and Design

    The study of objects, their design, and technologies of production. This module consolidates project-based learning in architecture, product design and furniture design.

    4 concentration courses required (3 from Arts and Design Electives; 1 in History of Architecture

    Course List
    Code Title Courses
    If not completed in the general requirements, three of the following design courses: 3
    IDEA160 Product Design I
    ARST220 Ecological Design I: Being at Home in the World
    ARST221 A Thousand Years of Iteration: Design for an Uncertain Future
    ARST233 Studies in Computer-based Modelling and Digital Fabrication
    ARST235 Architecture I
    ARST236 Fast & Furious
    ARST271 Biodegradable Design: Soft and Hairy
    ARST320 Ecological Design II: Worn Out/Broken In
    ARST336 Architecture II
    ARST370 Product Design II
    IDEA210 How Things Fail: Mechanics and Materials
    THEA359 Space Design for Performance
    THEA185 Text & Visual Imagination: Introduction to Eco Design for Performance
    One course in the History of Architecture: 1
    ARHA109 Introduction to Western Art I: Ancient to Medieval
    ARHA151 European Architecture and Urbanism to 1750
    ARHA210 Romanesque and Gothic Art and Architecture
    ARHA221 Early Renaissance Art and Architecture in Italy
    ARHA224 Italian Art and Architecture of the 16th Century
    ARHA233 Art and Culture of the Italian Baroque
    ARHA244 European Architecture and Urbanism, 1750-1910
    ARHA246 American Architecture and Urbanism, 1770--1914
    ARHA254 Architecture of the 20th Century
    ARHA258 Contemporary World Architecture
    ARHA284 Buddhist Art and Architecture in East Asia
    ARHA352 Energy and Modern Architecture, 1850-2020
  • Biological or Biochemical

    Applications of biology and biochemistry to solve challenges in life and health sciences.

    4 concentration courses required (1 in Engineering Design; 1 in Computing and Programming; 2 from Biological/Biochemical Electives)

    Course List


    Title Courses
    If not completed in the general requirements, one of the following engineering design courses: 1
    IDEA170 Introduction to Mechanical Design and Engineering
    IDEA175 Introduction to Electrical Design & Engineering
    IDEA210 How Things Fail: Mechanics and Materials
    IDEA211 Materials and Design Concepts for Structures
    IDEA215 Introduction to Sensors, Measurement, and Data Analysis
    IDEA292 Interdisciplinary Project Lab
    One course in computing and programming foundations: 1
    COMP112 Introduction to Programming
    COMP113 Bioinformatics Programming
    COMP114 How to Talk to Machines
    COMP115 How to Design Programs
    COMP211 Computer Science I
    PHYS340 Computational Physics
    Two courses from Biological/Biochemical Electives: 2
    BIOL212 Principles and Mechanisms of Cell Biology
    BIOL265 Bioinformatics Programming
    BIOL267 Engineering Biology
    BIOL310 Genomics Analysis
    BIOL322 Cell Migration
    CHEM396 Molecular Modeling and Design
    IDEA261 Science Materials For a Malagasy Classroom
    MB&B228 Introductory Medical Biochemistry
    MB&B325 Introduction to Biomolecular Structure
    MB&B377 Advanced Genetics
    MB&B381 Physical Chemistry for the Life Sciences
  • Chemical

    Applications of chemistry to the design of new chemicals, materials, and energy production.

    4 concentration courses required (1 in Engineering Design; 1 in Computing and Programming Foundations; 2 in Chemical Electives)

    Course List
    Code Title Courses
    If not completed in the general requirements, one of the following Engineering Design courses: 1
    IDEA170 Introduction to Mechanical Design and Engineering
    IDEA175 Introduction to Electrical Design & Engineering
    IDEA210 How Things Fail: Mechanics and Materials
    IDEA211 Materials and Design Concepts for Structures
    IDEA215 Introduction to Sensors, Measurement, and Data Analysis
    IDEA292 Interdisciplinary Project Lab
    One course in Computing and Programming Foundations: 1
    COMP112 Introduction to Programming
    COMP113 Bioinformatics Programming
    COMP114 How to Talk to Machines
    COMP115 How to Design Programs
    COMP211 Computer Science I
    PHYS340 Computational Physics
    Two additional courses from Chemical Electives: 2
    CHEM251 Principles of Organic Chemistry I
    CHEM252 Principles of Organic Chemistry II
    CHEM337 Physical Chemistry I: Quantum Mechanics and Spectroscopy
    CHEM338 Physical Chemistry II: Thermodynamics, Statistical Mechanics, and Kinetics
    CHEM377 Chemistry of Materials and Nanomaterials
    CHEM381 Physical Chemistry for the Life Sciences
    CHEM396 Molecular Modeling and Design
  • Computer

    The computer concentration focuses the design of new computational systems. Students gain breadth with coursework relevant to both hardware (Engineering Designs) and software system (Computing and Programming Foundations) designs, and depth in their area of interest by taking additional courses (Computer Electives). 

    4 concentration courses required (1 in Engineering Design; 1 in Computing and Programming; 2 in Computer Electives)

    Course List
    Code Title Courses
    If not completed in the general requirements, one of the following engineering design courses: 1
    IDEA170 Introduction to Mechanical Design and Engineering
    IDEA175 Introduction to Electrical Design & Engineering
    IDEA211 Materials and Design Concepts for Structures
    IDEA215 Introduction to Sensors, Measurement, and Data Analysis
    IDEA292 Interdisciplinary Project Lab
    One course in Computing and Programming Foundations: 1
    COMP112 Introduction to Programming
    COMP113 Bioinformatics Programming
    COMP114 How to Talk to Machines
    COMP115 How to Design Programs
    COMP211 Computer Science I
    PHYS340 Computational Physics
    Two additional courses from Computer Electives: 2
    IDEA285 Digital Projects Lab
    COMP212 Computer Science II
    COMP301 Automata Theory and Formal Languages
    COMP312 Algorithms and Complexity
    COMP321 Design of Programming Languages
    COMP331 Computer Structure and Organization
    IDEA350 Computational Media: Videogame Development
  • Electrical

    Applications of electrical and magnetic systems to the design of new devices and communications.

    4 concentration courses required (1 from Engineering Design; 1 from Computing and Programming Foundations; 2 from Electrical Electives)

    Course List
    Code Title Courses
    If not completed in the general requirements, one of the following Engineering Design courses: 1
    IDEA170 Introduction to Mechanical Design and Engineering
    IDEA175 Introduction to Electrical Design & Engineering
    IDEA211 Materials and Design Concepts for Structures
    IDEA215 Introduction to Sensors, Measurement, and Data Analysis
    IDEA292 Interdisciplinary Project Lab
    One course in Computing and Programming Foundations: 1
    COMP112 Introduction to Programming
    COMP113 Bioinformatics Programming
    COMP114 How to Talk to Machines
    COMP115 How to Design Programs
    COMP211 Computer Science I
    PHYS340 Computational Physics
    Two additional courses from Electrical Electives 2
    ASTR240 Radio Astronomy
    PHYS213 Waves and Oscillations
    PHYS214 Quantum Mechanics I
    PHYS324 Electricity and Magnetism
    PHYS342 Experimental Optics
    PHYS345 Electronics Lab
  • Environmental

    Application of environmental and ecological knowledge to the protection of ecosystems and human populations.

    4 concentration courses required (1 in Engineering Design; 1 in Computing and Programming; 1 from Environmental Electives)

    Course List
    Code Title Courses
    If not completed in the general requirements, one of the following Engineering Design courses:
    IDEA170 Introduction to Mechanical Design and Engineering
    IDEA175 Introduction to Electrical Design & Engineering
    IDEA210 How Things Fail: Mechanics and Materials
    IDEA211 Materials and Design Concepts for Structures
    IDEA215 Introduction to Sensors, Measurement, and Data Analysis
    IDEA292 Interdisciplinary Project Lab
    One course in Computing and Programming Foundations: 1
    COMP112 Introduction to Programming
    COMP113 Bioinformatics Programming
    COMP114 How to Talk to Machines
    COMP115 How to Design Programs
    COMP211 Computer Science I
    PHYS340 Computational Physics
    Two courses from Environmental Electives: 2
    BIOL216 Ecology
    E&ES244 Soils
    E&ES246 Hydrology
    E&ES250 Environmental Geochemistry
    E&ES253 Energy Sustainability: An examination of US, New England and Connecticut Energy
    E&ES280 Introduction to GIS
    E&ES361 Living in a Polluted World
    E&ES375 Modeling the Earth and Environment
  • Geomechanics/Geosystems

    Applications of geology and earth science to the development and preservation of subterranean resources.

    4 concentration courses required (1 in Engineering Design; 1 in Computing and Programming; 2 in Geomechanics/Geosystems Electives)

    Course List
    Code Title Courses
    If not completed in the general requirements, one of the following engineering design courses: 1


    Introduction to Mechanical Design and Engineering


    Introduction to Electrical Design & Engineering


    How Things Fail: Mechanics and Materials


    Materials and Design Concepts for Structures


    Interdisciplinary Project Lab
    One course in computing and programming foundations: 1


    Introduction to Programming


    Bioinformatics Programming


    How to Talk to Machines


    How to Design Programs


    Computer Science I


    Computational Physics
    Two additional courses from the following list: 2




    Earth Materials


    Structural Geology


    Introduction to GIS


    Modeling the Earth and Environment
  • Interactive Media & Game Design

    The application of design thinking and creative computing towards creating games and other interactive digital works.

    4 concentration courses required (1 in Game Design and 1 in Interactive Media required; no more than 3 electives can be taken in either category)

    Code Title Courses
    Game Design Electives, (1 Required, up to 3 may be counted toward minor) 1
    IDEA350  Computational Media: Game Development  
    FILM331 Video Games as/and the Moving Image: Art, Aesthetics, and Design  
    IDEA209 Educational Gaming Lab  
    IDEA 419/420 Interactive Prototype Studio (or other game-focused student forum with approval of Minor Liason)  
    Interactive Media Electives, (1 Required, up to 3 may be counted toward minor) 1
    IDEA185 Form and Code  
    IDEA243 Introduction to Graphic Design  
    IDEA360 Media for Performance  
    MUSC220 Composing, Performing, and Listening to Experimental Music  
    MUSC221 Live-Electronics for Composition, Improvisation, and Sound Art  
    MUSC223 Music, Recording, and Sound Design  
    DDC228 The Evolution of Audio in Interactive Entertainment; Creating Music with Limiting Technology
    DDC229 Creating Audio in Interactive Worlds
    COMP333 Software Engineering
  • Materials Science

    Discovery, design, and properties of new materials.

    4 concentration courses required (2 in Engineering Design, 1 in computing and Programming; 1 in Statics and Dynamics)
    Course List
    Code Title Courses
    If not completed in the general requirements, two of the following Engineering Design courses: 2
    IDEA170 Introduction to Mechanical Design and Engineering
    IDEA175 Introduction to Electrical Design & Engineering
    IDEA210 Mechanics and Materials
    IDEA215 Introduction to Sensors, Measurement, and Data Analysis
    IDEA292 Interdisciplinary Project Lab
    One course in Computing and Programming Foundations: 1
    COMP112 Introduction to Programming
    COMP113 Bioinformatics Programming
    COMP114 How to Talk to Machines
    COMP115 How to Design Programs
    COMP211 Computer Science I
    PHYS340 Computational Physics
    One course in Statics and Dynamics: 1
    IDEA210 Mechanics and Materials
    IDEA211 Materials and Design Concepts for Structures

  • Mechanical

    Application of mechanics, kinematics, and thermodynamics to design and develop new mechanical systems.

    4 concentration courses required (2 in Engineering Design;1 in Computing and Programming; 1 in Statics and Dynamics)

    Course List
    Code Title Courses
    If not completed in the general requirements, two of the following Engineering Design courses: 2
    IDEA170 Introduction to Mechanical Design and Engineering
    IDEA175 Introduction to Electrical Design & Engineering
    IDEA210 Mechanics and Materials
    IDEA215 Introduction to Sensors, Measurement, and Data Analysis
    IDEA292 Interdisciplinary Project Lab
    One course in Computing and Programming Foundations: 1
    COMP112 Introduction to Programming
    COMP113 Bioinformatics Programming
    COMP114 How to Talk to Machines
    COMP115 How to Design Programs
    COMP211 Computer Science I
    PHYS340 Computational Physics
    One course in Statics and Dynamics: 1
    IDEA210 Mechanics and Materials
    IDEA211 Materials and Design Concepts for Structures
  • Performance Design

    Stage design for theater or dance, sets, costumes, and lighting.

    4 concentration courses required (2 from Performance Design Electives; 1 in History of Design; 1 Practicum)

    Course List
    Code Title Courses
    Two courses from the following list: 2
    THEA185 Text & Visual Imagination: Introduction to Eco Design for Performance
    ARST233 Studies in Computer-based Modelling and Digital Fabrication
    THEA305 Lighting Design for the Theater
    THEA360/DANC364 Media for Performance
    THEA359 Space Design for Performance
    THEA383 Introduction to Costume Design for Performance
    One course in the History of Design: 1
    ARHA151 European Architecture and Urbanism to 1750
    ARHA244 European Architecture and Urbanism, 1750-1910
    ARHA246 American Architecture and Urbanism, 1770--1914
    ARHA248 Frank Lloyd Wright: Myth and Fact
    ARHA254 Architecture of the 20th Century
    ARHA284 Buddhist  Art and Architecture
    ARHA287 Islamic Art and Architecture
    ARHA338 Bauhaus: Art, Craft, Design
    One additional credit from the following list: 1
    THEA434 Applied Scenography: From Idea to the Stage
    THEA435 Performance Practice in Design A
    THEA437 Performance Practice in Design B


AY 24-25 Minor Concentration Liaison Contact Information

Available to students pre minor declaration. Declared IDEAS minors should always contact their assigned advisor first.

Minor Concentration Liaison Email
Archaeology Kate Birney
Arts and Design Elijah Huge
Applied Math Karen Collins
Biological or Biochemical Jennifer Mitchell
Chemical Colin Smith
Computer Sonia Roberts
Electrical Francis Starr
Environmental Phil Resor
Geomechanics/Geosystems Phil Resor
Interactive Media & Game Design Camillia Zamboni
Materials Science Greg Voth
Mechanical Greg Voth
Performance Design Marcela Oteíza
Self-Designed Elijah Huge