Student Calendar: Events in Science 

Below is a calendar of events for Spring 2025, updated regularly. This listing is appropriate for students; for a listing appropriate to faculty, staff, and post-docs please click this link.

When and Where


January 29, 

Shanklin 107

Biology and MB&B Seminar Series

Dr. Margarida Barroso, Albany Medical College 

Multiscale imaging of receptor transport and inter-organelle contacts in breast cancer and metastasis

Host: Padilla-Benavides

January 30, 

Exley 058

Physics Department Colloquium

Betül Pamuk, Williams College

"Controlling Superconductivity via Strain and Doping"

January 31, 

Exley 058

Chemistry Department Colloquium

Dr. Bakar HassanNational Cancer Institute

"Designing Next Generation Rpn13-Targeting Small Molecules with Nanomolar Efficacy"

Host: Taylor

February 5, 

Shanklin 107

Biology and MB&B Seminar Series

Dr. Clarissa Cavarsan Muller, Wesleyan University

Neuroinflammation over developing versus adult nervous system

Host: Treloar

February 5,

Van Vleck Observatory

Space Night

Join us to learn about what's up in the night sky. Each Space Night Starts with a half-hour interactive presentation by a member of our department (atronomy majorsm graduate students, or faculty) on a topic of space news or recent discoveries in astronomy, followed by observing through the telescopes when it's clear. Aimed at high school level and above, but all visitors are welcome. 

Space Night is rain or shine, but the weather may impact if the telescopes are open. 

February 7, 

Exley 058

Chemistry Department Colloquium

Prof. Tomoyasu Mani, University of Connecticut

Host: Chen

February 10,

Woodhead Lounge 

 Fabricating Fabrics: Design and Computation

Panel Discussion

Fiber artist and designer Victoria Manganiello and 3D machine knitting researcher 
Megan Hofmann join Yu Nong Khew and Sonia Roberts in a discussion on knitting 
as a modern computational manufacturing and design method.

February 11,

Woodhead Lounge 

 Fabricating Fabrics: Design and Computation


Computer scientist and 3D machine knitting researcher Megan Hofmann 
gives a talk on her current research.

February 12, 

Shanklin 107

Biology and MB&B Seminar Series

Dr. Amanda Larracuente, University of Rochester

Host: MacQueen

February 12,

Van Vleck Observatory

Space Night

Join us to learn about what's up in the night sky. Each Space Night Starts with a half-hour interactive presentation by a member of our department (atronomy majorsm graduate students, or faculty) on a topic of space news or recent discoveries in astronomy, followed by observing through the telescopes when it's clear. Aimed at high school level and above, but all visitors are welcome. 

Space Night is rain or shine, but the weather may impact if the telescopes are open. 

February 13, 

Exley 058

 Physics Department Colloquium

Arshad Kudrolli, Clark University

Active Matter Transport in Heterogeneous Mediums

February 17, 12:30pm-2:30pm

Exley lobby

International Students in STEAM Information Station

Calling all international students and faculty in science, technology, engineering, art, and math! Come to our information station to share your advice for students in STEAM in your own language. We will also be on hand to take suggestions for an affinity group we hope to launch later this semester. We want to hear from YOU! 

Part of Power of Language Week

February 18,  4:30pm

Reading Room, South Gallery, Ezra and Cecile Zilkha Gallery 

Lecture by Miho Mazereeuw

 A talk by architect and landscape architect Miho Mazereeuw ’96, Associate Professor of Architecture and Urbanism and Director of the Urban Risk Lab at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Presented by Wesleyan’s College of Design and Engineering Studies (CoDES). Co-sponsored by the College of East Asian Studies, Department of Art & Art History.

February 19, 

Shanklin 107

Biology and MB&B Seminar Series

Dr. Aaron Griffing, Princeton University

Host: Tezak

February 19, 

Van Vleck Observatory 110

Astronomy Colloquium

Aleksandra Kuznetsova

“Cosmic Cohorts: Insights into the shared environments of protostars and their planets”

February 19, 

Exley 137

Wednesdays with WesWIS

Join us for open discussions on topics like: wellness during midterns, imposter syndrome, finding community in STEM, and anything else on your mind! Snacks provided

February 19,

Van Vleck Observatory

Space Night

Join us to learn about what's up in the night sky. Each Space Night Starts with a half-hour interactive presentation by a member of our department (atronomy majorsm graduate students, or faculty) on a topic of space news or recent discoveries in astronomy, followed by observing through the telescopes when it's clear. Aimed at high school level and above, but all visitors are welcome. 

Space Night is rain or shine, but the weather may impact if the telescopes are open. 

February 20, 

Exley 058

Physics Department Colloquium

Ali Gokirmak, University of Connecticut

Phase Change Memory & Electronic and Thermoelectric Transport at Small Scales

February 20, 
4:30 pm

Exley 405 

E&ES Seminar

Caught in the current: Climate change, offshore wind, and fish

Dr Meghna Marjadi discusses the impacts of climate change, offshore wind and effects on the local ecology!

February 21, 

Exley 058

Chemistry Department Colloquium

Prof. Jonathan Ashby, Trinity College

Host: Gonzalez-Pech

February 21, 

Exley 201

Optica Student Chapter at Wesleyan Informational Meeting

Why Attend?

  • Help shape the future of this chapter!
  • Learn how Optica can support your academic and career goals.
  • Appoint tentative officers – leadership roles are open!

No prior optics experience is needed – all majors and levels of curiosity are welcome! 

Can’t make it but interested? Join our GroupMe group:


February 22, 


Community Campus Day: Heritage – for 6th-12th graders!
Community Campus Day (CCD) invites local 6th-12th graders to Wesleyan’s campus to engage in free, hands-on workshops led by Wesleyan staff and community partners. The theme of this CCD is heritage and will feature West African Dance, Gamelan (Indonesian Music/Percussion), Creative Writing, Leather-Tooling, and Earth’s Minerals (Earth and Environmental Science) workshops. Each student will have the opportunity to attend two workshops. No previous experience is required. Breakfast and snacks will be provided. 
Middle and high schoolers can RSVP here!
Wesleyan students interested in volunteering at this event can sign up here.

February 24
12:15 – 1:15pm

Olson Commons, Gordon Career Center 

CoDES Alumni Spotlight with Rami Hamati ‘19,Lead Mechanical Design Engineer, SPACEX

Join us for an informal lunchtime conversation via zoom with Wesleyan graduate. Physics Major who studied engineering through the Dual Degree 3-2 Engineering program with Wesleyan and Columbia Universities. TA to Prof. Greg Voth assisting with his research in Soft Condensed Matter and Fluid Dynamics.

February 26, 

Shanklin 107

Biology and MB&B Seminar Series

Dr. Peter Tsvetkov, Broad Institute

Host: Padilla-Benavides

February 26, 

Exley 137

Wednesdays with WesWIS

Join us for open discussions on topics like: wellness during midterns, imposter syndrome, finding community in STEM, and anything else on your mind! Snacks provided

February 26,

Van Vleck Observatory

Space Night

Join us to learn about what's up in the night sky. Each Space Night Starts with a half-hour interactive presentation by a member of our department (atronomy majorsm graduate students, or faculty) on a topic of space news or recent discoveries in astronomy, followed by observing through the telescopes when it's clear. Aimed at high school level and above, but all visitors are welcome. 

Space Night is rain or shine, but the weather may impact if the telescopes are open. 

February 27, 11:30am-1:30pm

Gordon Career Center 

STEM Career Workshop
The GCC STEM Career Advisor will be presenting on what makes STEM resumes stand out at 12:00 p.m., and Peer Career Advisors will be available to meet with you one-on-one for resume reviews, tips, and answers to any pertaining questions!
Make sure to stop by before, during, or after the presentation to get a FREE headshot taken for your LinkedIn or Handshake profile by a professional photographer! Headshots will be first-come, first-served. For more information, check out Handshake!

February 28,
12-1:30 pm

Exley 5th Floor

Official Opening of CoDES Exley 5th Floor (Student lounge and Textiles Hub)

February 28,
1:30 pm-3:30pm

Gordon Career Center

Research-a-palooza 2025!

A resource fair for all research opportunities at Wesleyan, including CIS, COE, QAC, McNair, and GISOS.

March 1,

Exley Science Center

Archaeology & Collections Public Open House

We have several materials for visitors to explore this year including local archaeological artifacts from Middletown, "hands on history" tables with the Institute for American Indian Studies and the Friends of the Office of State Archaeology, flintknapping demonstrations, tours of the Joe Webb Peoples Museum, and a pre-event panel (starting at 1pm) about local Wangunk history hosted by the Middlesex County Historical Society. Check out our current list of programs at the link above. This event is free and open to the public.

March 5, 

Exley 137

Wednesdays with WesWIS

Join us for open discussions on topics like: wellness during midterns, imposter syndrome, finding community in STEM, and anything else on your mind! Snacks provided

March 5,

Van Vleck Observatory

Space Night

Join us to learn about what's up in the night sky. Each Space Night Starts with a half-hour interactive presentation by a member of our department (atronomy majorsm graduate students, or faculty) on a topic of space news or recent discoveries in astronomy, followed by observing through the telescopes when it's clear. Aimed at high school level and above, but all visitors are welcome. 

Space Night is rain or shine, but the weather may impact if the telescopes are open. 

March 6, 

Exley 058

Physics Department Colloquium

Abhishek Gupta, Brown University

Non-Hermitian Metamaterials for Enhance Actuation and Vibration Isolation

March 26, 

Shanklin 107

Biology and MB&B Seminar Series

Dr. Xiaofang Jiang, National Institutes of Health

Host: Olson

March 26, 

Exley 137

Wednesdays with WesWIS

Join us for open discussions on topics like: wellness during midterns, imposter syndrome, finding community in STEM, and anything else on your mind! Snacks provided

March 26,

Van Vleck Observatory

Space Night

Join us to learn about what's up in the night sky. Each Space Night Starts with a half-hour interactive presentation by a member of our department (atronomy majorsm graduate students, or faculty) on a topic of space news or recent discoveries in astronomy, followed by observing through the telescopes when it's clear. Aimed at high school level and above, but all visitors are welcome. 

Space Night is rain or shine, but the weather may impact if the telescopes are open. 

March 27

Boger 113 

CoDES Faculty Spotlight

Prof. Elizabeth Chang-Davidson, Assistant Professor of Design and Engineering

Pizza lunch is provided

April 2, 

Shanklin 107

Biology and MB&B Seminar Series

Dr. Dr. Kelsey Fisher, CT Dept. of Entomology - CAES

Host: Cohan

April 2, 

Van Vleck Observatory 110

Astronomy Colloquium

Brittany Miles

"Brown Dwarfs and Planetary Atmospheres in the Mid-Infrared"

April 2, 

Exley 137

Wednesdays with WesWIS

Join us for open discussions on topics like: wellness during midterns, imposter syndrome, finding community in STEM, and anything else on your mind! Snacks provided

April 2,

Van Vleck Observatory

Space Night

Join us to learn about what's up in the night sky. Each Space Night Starts with a half-hour interactive presentation by a member of our department (atronomy majorsm graduate students, or faculty) on a topic of space news or recent discoveries in astronomy, followed by observing through the telescopes when it's clear. Aimed at high school level and above, but all visitors are welcome. 

Space Night is rain or shine, but the weather may impact if the telescopes are open. 

April 3

Woodhead Lounge

CoDES Faculty Spotlight

Prof. Christopher Weaver, Distinguished Professor of Computational Media

Pizza lunch is provided

April 4, 

Exley 058

Chemistry Department Colloquium

Prof. Aurelia Ball, Skidmore College

Host: Smith

April 9, 

Shanklin 107

Biology and MB&B Seminar Series

Dr. Xiaolan Zhao, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Manage the genome beyond double stranded DNA

Host: Holmes

April 9, 

Exley 137

Wednesdays with WesWIS

Join us for open discussions on topics like: wellness during midterns, imposter syndrome, finding community in STEM, and anything else on your mind! Snacks provided

April 9,

Van Vleck Observatory

Space Night

Join us to learn about what's up in the night sky. Each Space Night Starts with a half-hour interactive presentation by a member of our department (atronomy majorsm graduate students, or faculty) on a topic of space news or recent discoveries in astronomy, followed by observing through the telescopes when it's clear. Aimed at high school level and above, but all visitors are welcome. 

Space Night is rain or shine, but the weather may impact if the telescopes are open. 


April 10, 

Exley 058

Physics Department Colloquium

Gabriel Popkin, Journalist


April 10, 

Allbritton 311

A chat with Gabriel Popkin, Journalist

Presented by the College of Integrative Sciences and WesWAVES

RSVP required: contact 

April 10, 

Van Vleck Observatory 110

Astronomy Colloquium

Farisa Morales

April 11, 

Exley 058

Chemistry Department Colloquium

Prof. Benjamin MillerUniversity of Rochester Medical Center

Host: Calter

April 16, 

Shanklin 107

Biology and MB&B Seminar Series

Dr. Nader Nikbakht, MIT

Host: Aaron

April 16, 

Exley 137

Wednesdays with WesWIS

Join us for open discussions on topics like: wellness during midterns, imposter syndrome, finding community in STEM, and anything else on your mind! Snacks provided

April 16,

Van Vleck Observatory

Space Night

Join us to learn about what's up in the night sky. Each Space Night Starts with a half-hour interactive presentation by a member of our department (atronomy majorsm graduate students, or faculty) on a topic of space news or recent discoveries in astronomy, followed by observing through the telescopes when it's clear. Aimed at high school level and above, but all visitors are welcome. 

Space Night is rain or shine, but the weather may impact if the telescopes are open. 

April 23, 

Shanklin 107

Biology and MB&B Seminar Series

Dr. Gabriele Meloni, University of Texas at Dallas

Host: Padilla-Benavides

April 23, 

Van Vleck Observatory 110

Astronomy Colloquium

Shepherd Doeleman

"Observing black holes on horizon scales: from still images to black hole cinema"

April 23, 

Exley 137

Wednesdays with WesWIS

Join us for open discussions on topics like: wellness during midterns, imposter syndrome, finding community in STEM, and anything else on your mind! Snacks provided

April 23,

Van Vleck Observatory

Space Night

Join us to learn about what's up in the night sky. Each Space Night Starts with a half-hour interactive presentation by a member of our department (atronomy majorsm graduate students, or faculty) on a topic of space news or recent discoveries in astronomy, followed by observing through the telescopes when it's clear. Aimed at high school level and above, but all visitors are welcome. 

Space Night is rain or shine, but the weather may impact if the telescopes are open. 

April 24, 

Exley 058

Physics Department Colloquium

Brian Stewert, Wesleyan University

Earth Day Rant

April 25, 

Exley 058

Chemistry Department Colloquium

Prof. Benjamin McDonald, Brown University

Host: Elling

April 28, 

Shanklin 107

Biology and MB&B Seminar Series

Dr. Joel Wetheim, UC San Diego

Host: Cohan

April 30, 

Van Vleck Observatory 110

Astronomy Colloquium

Alice Booth

"The Chemistry of Planet Formation"

April 30, 

Exley 137

Wednesdays with WesWIS

Join us for open discussions on topics like: wellness during midterns, imposter syndrome, finding community in STEM, and anything else on your mind! Snacks provided

April 30,

Van Vleck Observatory

Space Night

Join us to learn about what's up in the night sky. Each Space Night Starts with a half-hour interactive presentation by a member of our department (atronomy majorsm graduate students, or faculty) on a topic of space news or recent discoveries in astronomy, followed by observing through the telescopes when it's clear. Aimed at high school level and above, but all visitors are welcome. 

Space Night is rain or shine, but the weather may impact if the telescopes are open.