Exploding and Netting: A Somatic Archive of Transpacific Movement
Understanding China in the Age of the Unequal Treaties

Strong Bodies for the Revolution: Pursuing Health and Power in the People’s Republic of China

25th Anniversary of the College of East Asian Studies Japanese Garden (Shôyôan Teien)

Guanyu (Gary) Xu: Temporarily Censored Home (CLOSED)

The Imperial Ghost in the Neoliberal Machine (Figuring the CIA)

Light of the East: The Beauty of Movement in Silence

Traces of Life: Seen Through Korean Eyes, 1945-1992

A Late Christmas Gift: Contemporary Prints from Japan

Provincial Elegance: Chinese Antiques Donated in Honor of Houghton “Buck” Freeman

Metamorphosis: The Collaboration Between Photographer Robert Glenn Ketchum and the Suzhou Embroiderers

New Gods and Old in Sichuan: Photographs from the Twenties

Pearl of the Snowlands: Buddhist Prints from the Derge Parkhang

Gods, Demons and Generals: Icons of Korean Shamanism

Korean Funerary Figures: Companions for the Journey to the Other World