While placing out of Intro Biology lecture courses is discouraged, students who scored a 4 or 5 on the AP Biology exam may be eligible to place out of either MB&B 181 or BIOL 182. If you are interested in placing out, you are required to consult with an instructor from the relevant course.

If you are interested in placing out of MB&B 181, which is offered every fall semester, contact Professor Cori Anderson ( This placement exam must be taken during the first week of the student's first semester at Wesleyan. 

If you are interested in placing out of BIOL 182, which is offered every spring semester, contact Professor Fred Cohan ( and Professor Laverne Melón (

There is no process to place out of MB&B 191 or MB&B 192, the Intro Biology lab courses. MB&B 191 is offered every fall semester. BIOL 192 is offered every spring semester. Students who place out of either MB&B 181 or BIOL 182 must still take the corresponding lab course, especially those who plan on majoring in Biology, MB&B, or NS&B or those who are intending to continue with a health professions graduate program (ex: medical school, dental school, etc.)