Bell & Scroll
At least since the 1960s, and probably even before that, the bells have been rung before and after commencement ceremonies. Student bell ringers have played during the academic year on an informal basis, but there is no written history until recently. "Bell people" seem to work anonymously and secretively, though the names of some of the ringers are known from the University's commencement programs. Since 1998 a group of student bell-ringers has formed itself into a more formal guild, Bell & Scroll, and since then, the bells have been played every noon hour during the academic year. (Scroll comes from a play on the name of one of the founding ringers, Holly Schroll '02. The other “founders” are Mariah Klaneski Reisner '04, Gabe Dillon '03 and Peter Harvey '03.) The group is overseen by Professor of German Studies, Emeritus, Peter Frenzel.
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