Planetary Science

Research in the planetary sciences at Wesleyan University is a vigorous and growing program within the Departments of Astronomy and Earth and Environmental Sciences. Our emphasis is the study of the origin of planetary systems, planetary geology and geochemistry and the application of remote sensing to terrestrial environmental problems. This work incorporates results from observational astronomy, planetary image analyses, and the laboratory and field studies of Earth analogues to other planets.

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Wednesday September 18, 4:30 pm: Dr. Theron Carmichael, IfA Mānoa, “Transiting brown dwarfs: The enigmatic links between planets and stars” VVO 110

Wednesday October 2, 4:30 pm: Dr. Greg Bryan, Columbia, “Galaxy regulation and the circumgalactic medium” VVO 110

Wednesday October 23, 4:30 pm: Dr. Monica Gallegos-Garcia, CfA, “Gaining insights into the formation of binary black hole mergers: Towards a new era of binary evolution" VVO 110

Wednesday November 13, 4:30 pm: Wesleyan Alumni Virtual Panel, "Life After Wes" VVO 110

Wednesday December 4, 4:30 pm: Dr. Mia de los Reyes, Amherst College VVO 110

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