Sexual Assault

The first 72 hours

The immediate aftermath of a sexual assault

Consider having an evidence collection kit administered at Middlesex Hospital. The free kit collects physical evidence that can be used at a later time in a criminal case. The kit is assigned a number and is sent anonymously to the police if a formal report is made later.

Consider contacting the Davison Health Center for STI screening and pregnancy testing (if applicable). All fees for services are waived. Consider contacting Counseling and Psychological Services, the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life and/or the Women and Families Center for emotional support.

Need Someone to Confide In?

Consider speaking with a confidential resource to discuss the situation and to learn more about reporting options, no-contact orders and academic and housing accommodations. Confidential resources include therapists at Counseling and Psychological Servcies, chaplains in the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life and some clinicians at the Davison Health Center. Talking with someone may help you clarify your thoughts and feelings about the situation.  

Consider speaking with a confidential resource on campus or in the community to learn more about no-contact orders and housing accommodations. CAPS therapists and counselors at the Women and Families Center can provide you with a safe place to clarify your thoughts and feelings about the situation and identify the options that will work best for you.

Reporting Options

To Wesleyan: Contact Public Safety to get in touch with a Title IX Investigator. You have the option of meeting with a confidential resources in Counseling and Psychological Services, the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life, and the Health Center to discuss your options before making the report. You can bring a support person to your meeting with the investigator. 

To the Middletown Police Department: Contact Captain Gary Wallace at 860.638.4141 or You can also work with a Title IX Investigator to arrange to have an officer come to campus and take the report. The Sexual Violence Resource Coordinator is available to accompany students to the police station and provide support during any part of the reporting process.

To Both Wesleyan and the Middletown Police:  Students have the option of reporting sexual assault to both Wesleyan University and the Middletown Police Department.
To initiate a report, contact a Title IX Investigator who will assist with helping you report to the police. You can also go directly to the Middletown Police Department to report.

Wesleyan polices and processes differ from Connecticut criminal law and will yield different outcomes. In general, the entire process of investigating and adjudicating at Wesleyan will take no longer than 60 days from the time of the initial report.

Anonymously: You may file an anonymous report. You do not have to provide identifying information. Because identifying information is not used in this type of a report, Public Safety cannot investigate the incident and there cannot be a formal judicial follow-up from the University.

Title IX Investigators, Campus and Community Resources

The Sexual Assault Response Options Chart provides information about how to access campus and community resources and a listing of Title IX Investigators.