Wesleyan portrait of Rob  Rosenthal

Rob Rosenthal

John E. Andrus Professor of Sociology, Emeritus

Wasch Center for Retired Faculty, 51 Lawn Avenue


BA Rutgers University
MA University Calif Santa Bar
PHD University of California, Santa Barbara

Rob Rosenthal

Rob Rosenthal writes, researches, and teaches in the areas of: 1) housing and homelessness; 2) the use of music in social movements; 3) community-based learning; 4) decision-making.  His writings include Pete Seeger in His Own Words (with Sam Rosenthal), Playing for Change: Music and Musicians in the Service of Social Movements (with Richard Flacks), Homeless in Paradise, and numerous articles and book chapters.  He was the founding director of Wesleyan's Center for Community Partnerships and Service-Learning Program, past director of the Allbritton Center for the Study of Public Life, and twice Provost of the University.

Academic Affiliations

Office Hours

By appointment