Wesleyan portrait of Patricia  Rodriguez Mosquera

Patricia Rodriguez Mosquera

Professor of Psychology

Judd Hall Room 218, 207 High Street

Professor, Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

Judd Hall Room 218, 207 High Street


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BA Autonoma University of Madrid
MA Autonoma University of Madrid
PHD University of Amsterdam

Patricia Rodriguez Mosquera


My research focuses on emotions in their social and cultural contexts, with a special focus on how the social image of self and important ingroups affect our emotions. My research covers a wide range of emotions, from happiness and pride to anger, fear, sadness, shame, and envy. I study these emotions using a multi-method approach (e.g., autobiographical narratives; field experiments).

I direct the Culture, Emotion, and Social Image Lab at Wesleyan.

Academic Affiliations

Office Hours


Wednesday 1:30 to 3:00, Judd Hall 503, and by appointment.



Spring 2025
PSYC 208 - 01
Research Methods on Emotion

PSYC 265 - 01
Culture in Psychology