John Murillo

Associate Professor of English

285 Court Street, 211

Associate Professor, African American Studies

BA Howard University
MFA New York University

John Murillo

JOHN MURILLO is the author of thepoetry collections, Up Jump the Boogieand Kontemporary Amerikan Poetry.  His honors include the 2021 Kingsley Tufts Poetry Award, the Four Quartets Prize from the Academy of American Poets and the TS Eliot Foundation, two Pushcart Prizes, the J Howard and Barbara MJ Wood Prize from the Poetry Foundation, fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Bread Loaf Writers Conference, Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown, Cave Canem Foundation, and the Wisconsin Institute for Creative Writing, and inclusion in Best American Poetry 2017, 2019, and 2020.  He is an associate professor of English and, from 2020-2022, served as director of the creative writing program at Wesleyan University.

Academic Affiliations


Fall 2024
ENGL 216 - 01
Techniques of Poetry: Prosody

ENGL 372 - 01
Poets in Translation