Wesleyan portrait of Gulsin  Ciftci

Gulsin Ciftci

Visiting Scholar, Shapiro Center for Writing at Wesleyan Uni

Visiting Scholar, Shapiro Center for Writing at Wesleyan University


MA Georg-August Universitat Gottingen

Gulsin Ciftci


Gulsin Ciftci is a scholar of contemporary American literature. Her current project, “Reading Reading: Affect and American Literature in the Twenty-first Century,” is concerned with the relationship between reading, affects, and forms. In her readings and academic research, she is most interested in the reasons that draw the reader/viewer towards and away from specific cultural and literary texts, as well as motivations behind our literary and artistic engagements and their relational formations. In addition, she is interested in the body—affective, entangled, phenomenal, and vulnerable—and how literary critique, aesthetics, and philosophy treat the body in various literary and cultural texts, ranging from fiction to TV series and the arts. She teaches American Studies at the University of Münster, Germany.

Academic Affiliations

Office Hours

By appointment. Please send an email to gciftci@wesleyan.edu.