Wesleyan portrait of Elijah  Huge

Elijah Huge

Associate Professor of Art

CFA H - Art Studio North Room 104, 289 Washington Terrace

Director, College of Design and Engineering Studies

CFA H - Art Studio North Room 104, 289 Washington Terrace

Associate Professor, Environmental Studies

CFA H - Art Studio North Room 104, 289 Washington Terrace

Associate Professor, Design and Engineering Studies

CFA H - Art Studio North Room 104, 289 Washington Terrace


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BA Yale University
MAR Yale University

Elijah Huge

Elijah Huge is an architect whose current scholarly project, “Saving the City: Entries from an Encyclopedia of Calamity-mollifying Devices for the Modern Metropolis,” is a study of the rise and proliferation of architectural emergency devices. His writing and design work have been featured in Praxis, Thresholds, Perspecta, Bracket, Architectural Record, Landscape Architecture, Dwell, JAE, and Competitions.  His design work includes commissions for private clients as well as award-winning competition entries for the High Line (New York, NY), the Bourne Bridge|Park (Bourne, MA), and the Tangshan Earthquake Memorial (Tangshan, China).

Prior to arriving at Wesleyan, Elijah Huge worked in the office of Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects as a senior designer and for Behnisch and Partner in Stuttgart, Germany. A graduate of the Yale School of Architecture, he received the AIA Henry Adams Medal and was editor of Perspecta 35: Building Codes. At Wesleyan University, Professor Huge leads the North Studio, which operates as both a locus for architectural design education within the context of the university's liberal arts curriculum and a laboratory for design research and fabrication.

Academic Affiliations

Office Hours

Wednesdays 11:00AM - 12:00 PM and by appointment (ehuge[at]wesleyan.edu) 104 Art Studio North


Spring 2025
ARST 430 - 01
Arch Senior Thesis Studio

Fall 2025
ARST 235 - 01
Architecture I