Wesleyan portrait of Devin Prakash Choudhury

Devin Prakash Choudhury

Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow

Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in the Center for Humanities


Devin Prakash Choudhury

Devin Choudhury is an interdisciplinary literary scholar working across the fields of postcolonial studies, ecocriticism, science and technology studies (STS), and critical geography. His research focuses on the agrarian roots, rots, and routes of global capitalism, attending to the ways in which literary engagements with agriculture—and, more broadly, labor-mediated modes of human-nonhuman relation—can reveal, decompose, and reconstitute the material, conceptual, and rhetorical bases of our seemingly all-encompassing socioeconomic system.

Devin’s current projects include Forms of Development, a monograph that maps a tradition of critiques of and alternatives to agrarian development in twentieth century South Asian narrative literature; Subsistence Beyond Man, a monograph that turns to anticolonial literary visions of subsistence in order to critically reevaluate the concept in light of our current ecological conjuncture; and a journal article attending to the liminality of the human corpse as a site from which to think forms of historical continuity and rupture, as well as more-than-human community, that arise in the midst and wake of statist violence in the (post)colony.

Devin received his BA in English from Columbia University and his PhD from the University of California, Berkeley’s interdisciplinary Department of Rhetoric, where he also completed a designated emphasis in STS.

Academic Affiliations

Office Hours

Wednesdays 1:30PM-3:30PM and by appointment.


Spring 2025
CHUM 388 - 01
Beyond Growth