Wesleyan portrait of Carolina  Diaz

Carolina Diaz

Assistant Professor, Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

Romance Languages Room 05, 300 High Street

Assistant Professor of Spanish

Romance Languages Room 05, 300 High Street

Assistant Professor, Latin American Studies

Romance Languages Room 05, 300 High Street


BA Universidad Catolica de Chile
MA Rutgers University
PHD Rutgers University

Carolina Diaz


My book manuscript tentatively entitled “Coexisting with the Elements,” interrogates the ecopolitical significance of air, fire, water, and earth within Chile’s post-1973 context. I deploy these figures to oppose the dictatorship’s uses and abuses of nature and its neoliberal counterpart, natural resources. My project claims that just as manmade impact on the planet can be read in rocks, ice cores, and ocean sedimentation, the elements, too, contain the complex imbrication of memory, history, and politics. What I call elemental art proposes new ethical relations with the more-than-human world erased by Chile’s politics of oblivion.

I am interested in ecosophy (feminist, Indigenous, and nonbinary), materialist theories (old and new), phenomenology, psychoanalysis, and memory theories.  I write and publish about memory, feminist theory, women’s art, and ecology. I teach about Abya Yala’s literatures and cultures from all these diverse perspectives. 

Academic Affiliations


Spring 2025
SPAN 221 - 02
Introduction to Hispanic Lits.

SPAN 293 - 01
Gender/Sexuality Latin America