Wesleyan portrait of Christine Marie Curley

Christine Marie Curley

Visiting Assistant Professor, Continuing Studies

Psychology, Judd Hall, Rm. 107 207 High Street

Visiting Assistant Professor of Psychology

Psychology, Judd Hall, Rm. 107 207 High Street

Continuing Studies Instructor, Wesleyan

Psychology, Judd Hall, Rm. 107 207 High Street


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PHD University of Connecticut

Christine Marie Curley

Christine’s research focuses on the association between positive sexuality and well-being across the lifespan, as well as sexual motivations and barriers, examining attitudes towards gender, sexual and relationship diversity, social norms, stereotypes and stigma, and individual and community-level factors influencing health and well-being. Her dissertation is titled: Examining the Pursuit of Positive Sexuality as a Health Behavior: Associations of Positive Evaluations of Sexuality with Well-Being, Depression, Anxiety, and Stress.

Christine has presented her research examining sexuality, well-being, and social attitudes to the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality (SSSS), the Society of Behavioral Medicine (SBM), the American Psychological Association (APA), the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) and the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT).

Christine also co-hosts a podcast with her daughter Shannon Curley, “SexEd: Debunked” on Spotify, Amazon, and Apple platforms, which endeavors to “put to bed” myths about sexuality, which was awarded AASECT’s Podcast Award in 2022. https://www.buzzsprout.com/1853016

Christine M. Curley, PhD., JD. earned her doctorate from the University of Connecticut in social psychology; she earned her Master’s Degree from Rhode Island College with a concentration in health psychology in May 2019. Christine has taught various courses at Rhode Island College and the University of Connecticut (Storrs and Harford), including Foundations of Research in Psychology, Introduction to Psychology, Social Psychology and Psychology of Human Sexuality.

Christine has lectured about positive sexuality and well-being, sexual diversity, gender diversity and relationship diversity as a guest lecturer at the University of Connecticut and Rhode Island College.

Academic Affiliations

Office Hours

On Campus:

Mondays: 12:30-1:30

Tuesdays and Thursdays:  11-12 

Wednesdays: 1:30-2:30

Other in person hours available on Mondays-Thursday by request; online Fridays by request.


Spring 2025
PSYC 118F - 01
Social Psyc of Close Relatshps

PSYC 260 - 02
Social Psychology

Fall 2025
PSYC 118F - 01
Social Psyc of Close Relatshps

PSYC 339 - 01
Psychology of Human Sexuality