Spring 2025 Important Dates:

  • Thursday, January 16 - Wednesday, February 5: Drop/Add Period
  • Thursday, January 23: First day of classes


The electronic Major Certification form is now used to certify all major completions across campus. Likewise all minors and certificates are now certified via the Minor/Certificate Certification form as well. While majors, minors, and certificates are only certified in the final semester of the student's senior year, students are nevertheless encouraged to begin working with the electronic forms early so they can see how they are progressing toward each.  The Major Certification form also tracks senior capstone experiences.  Every major has identified what they consider to be an acceptable capstone in their department, program or college.  Seniors are now required to identify whether they completed a capstone and if so, how. This additional information provides the administration with valuable data that can be used to enhance student programs and assess student outcomes. 

Are you a student who needs assistance learning how to use the Major or Minor/Certificate Certification Form? 

If so, contact the Registrar's Office to schedule a brief appointment for one-on-one training on how to properly work with the form. 

Click here for Senior Instructions on how to do your Final Submit of the Major Certification Form.

Majors across the University have been certified electronically using this form since the Fall of 2011. Students must use this form to demonstrate how they have fulfilled their major requirements and can begin accessing the Major Certification Form in their portfolio as soon as they are accepted into a major. Students with multiple majors will see multiple links (one for each major).  Likewise, if your particular major has multiple tracks or concentrations, you will see a separate link for each. 

The form can assist students in planning future course registrations during pre-reg, so it should be accessed regularly.  You should not wait until your senior year to access this form.  It is always available to help you assess where you are with regard to fulfilling your major requirements. Students should consult with the individual department/program for any form-related deadlines internal to the major.  Seniors will be required to submit their final version of the form at the end of Drop/Add in their final semester of their senior year for degree certification.  The Registrar's office will communicate these deadlines to seniors directly.  Departments/programs will use this form to certify if the student has completed the requirements for the major, whereas a committee will certify that the student has completed all university requirements for graduation.

Students are able to identify which courses fit a requirement, as well as submit override requests and display planning text. Advisors are able to “approve,” “disapprove,” or click “see me” in response to each individual request. 

Users can access the Major Certification Form link via their WesPortal:

Click here for Faculty Certifier Instructions.

ADVISORS: WesPortal>Academic Toolbox>Advisees

CHAIRS/DIRECTORS: WesPortal>Academic Toolbox>Students

STAFF: WesPortal>Academic Toolbox>Students

STUDENTS: WesPortal>Academics>Major/Minor Certification

Major Certification FAQ

If you have any questions regarding this application, please contact the Registrar's Office.