
Psychology is the scientific study of behavior, mind, and brain. We seek to understand how people think and act, both as individuals and in groups.  The department has 18 faculty providing expertise in six subareas of study: cognitive, cultural, developmental, social, psychopathology, and neuroscience.  Features of the major include foundational courses, training in statistics and research methods, a cultural immersion experience, small advanced seminars, and opportunities to conduct original research.

Department Announcements

Colloquium Series

February 27 - Gary Giumetti, Quinnipiac University
March 27 - Danya Keene, Yale University
April 16 - Elianny Edwards, College of the Holy Cross
Please click on Colloquium Series link for more details.

Overview of the Psychology Major for First-Year Students

Meeting with department chair, Prof. Lisa Dierker, and department advising coordinator, Prof. Sarah Carney

Tues., April 1
12:00 - 1:00PM
Judd Hall 116

The purpose of this meeting is to provide an overview of the major. Bring all your questions—and better assess whether this major might be right for you.

Please review the Psychology Majors Manual: