Recent and Past Events:

The 8th Annual Social Justice Lecture “Belonging to the Future by Retelling the Past” with Susan Brison, Dartmouth College

Thursday, February 13, 2025
4:30 PM
Russell House


"Performing Human Rights Anew in Édouard Glissant and Sylvia Wynter" with Benjamin Davis, Saint Louis University.
Thursday, Nov. 16, 2023
4:30 PM
Center for African-American Studies, Vanguard Lounge

The Philosophy Department presents a colloquium series lecture with guest Stephan Käufer from Franklin and Marshall College

Wednesday, March 29, 2023
4:30 PM
Usdan 108

"How is this not my body?"

Over the last two decades, philosophers of psychiatry have increasingly used concepts from phenomenology to describe and understand a range of psychiatric conditions. One concept that has been used a lot is the notion of embodiment. If the mind is embodied, then some disorders of the mind show up as disordered modes of embodiment. For example, patients suffering from psychiatric conditions might be described as experiencing their bodies as foreign objects, as lifeless containers, as mechanical devices, as obstacles, or as having feelings and desires that do not belong to patient.

In this talk I will look at the paradoxical claim that I can experience my body as not mine. I suggest that a patient’s disordered bodily experience requires that they experience their own body as fundamentally their own. We can do a better job of describing and understanding disordered embodied experience by attending carefully to the basic phenomenology of embodiment and by distinguishing different senses in which my body can fail to be mine.


The Philosophy Department presents the Sixth Annual Social Justice Lecture

Wednesday, March 1, 2023
Daniel Family Commons

"Real Men on Top"
Robin Dembroff, Yale University