The responsibility of the Finance Office is to support the overall financial management of the University. Finance processes invoices, reimbursements, deposits and wires, and monitors the use of the University’s Purchasing Card. The office provides grant and gift administration, develops the annual budget, monitors income and spending, and conducts long-range financial planning. The office is responsible for managing Wesleyan’s Financial System, WFS. In support of the educational mission of the University, we are committed to following established governmental guidelines, rules and regulations. We operate with honesty, integrity and in a manner that celebrates all of our contributions.

Finance Monthly

March 2025
1. Prepaid Expenses2. PCard Report3. Third Party Payments 4. Supplier On-Boarding5. Purchasing News 1. PREPAID EXPENSES This is an update since prior month’s newsletter regarding prepaid expenses. The use of the “prepaid” checkbox on the supplier invoice sometimes generates an error message of “1 Error: Prepaid Amortization Type”. If this happens, uncheck the prepaid checkbox and ... <a title="March 2025" class="read-more" href="" aria-label="More on March 2025">Read more</a>

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