Writing Workshop Tutor and Mentor Positions 

Thank you for your interest in the Wesleyan Writers Room! We are always looking for exceptional communicators and dedicated students to join our community of peer writing mentors.

Desired Skills & Qualifications

Our tutors and mentors are responsible, knowledgeable, and passionate about supporting other writers oncampus. Joining the Writers Room means participating in meaningful work and gaining valuableprofessional skills. We would love to work with you!

Primary Duties and Responsibilities

Tutors and Mentors are hired each spring to begin work the following fall semester (unless you plan to study abroad in the fall). Applicants should feel comfortable discussing writing at all stages, from brainstorming and drafting to revising and editing, but you should not feel pressure to be an expert on all kinds of writing. We are looking for applicants who are active learners and have a clear sense of their own process as thinkers and writers. Applicants should show strong writing skills and, importantly, have a passion for working with other students.

Schedule & Availability

Tutors and Mentors are expected to work at least 2 hours per week, though most average between 5 and 10 hours. Once hired, students can remain employees until graduation regardless of studying abroad or needing to take a semester off for any reason.

Job Classification

For the 25-26 academic year, staff will earn a starting wage of $17.35/hr. Staff earn

$1/hr above minimum wage after undergoing new tutor training (the first weekend of the fall semester) andtaking the Ford Seminar during their first semester on staff. For every semester staff participate in the .5 credit Ford Seminar course, staff earn a $.25 raise.

Staff can also earn a $.10 raise for each semester they work at the Writers Room and complete all necessary meetings, trainings, and job duties.

Primary Supervisor

The Assistant Director of Academic Writing is the primary supervisor of the Writing Workshop. They work with the Ford Fellow, a recent Wes graduate, to hire, train, mentor, and supervise all Writers Room staff.


If you have any questions, please contact Professor Lauren Silber, Assistant Director of Academic Writing, at lsilber@wesleyan.edu or the Ford Fellow at writingworks@wesleyan.edu.

Performance Evaluation

Writing Workshop staff join a vibrant peer-to-peer community where their work is mentored and assessed by their faculty supervisor, the Ford Fellow, and their fellow employees. Each semester staff are asked to do mid-term evaluations, are observed by the Assistant Director of Academic Writing or the Ford Fellow, and receive feedback (including client surveys) and end of the semester letters describing their work and places to reinvigorate energy and practices. Staff meet regularly to discuss performance through mandatory staff meetings and observations. Staff can set up one-on-one meetings with supervisors at any time, and are encouraged to reflect on their practices as part of performance evaluation.

Application Instructions

Applications for the 2025-26 Academic Year are open and due on March 30th by midnight. Unfortunately, late submissions will not be considered. A complete application will include:

  • JOB RANKING: While we will do our best to honor your preferences, we cannot guarantee that staff will receive their first choice position.
  • REFERENCES: List the names of 2 faculty, staff or Wesleyan community members who cancomment on your interpersonal skills and interest in writing and mentoring. No letters of recommendation are required.
  • (1) What is your current writing process like? Please be detailed and (300 words max)
  • (2) How has your writing process changed during your time at Wesleyan? What factors (challenges, academic expectations, specific courses, or exciting projects) influenced the shift in your process? (300 max)
  • (3) Please describe any experiences that illustrate your interest in and ability to work with others, including, but not limited to, experiences tutoring, mentoring, coaching, or teaching. (300 max)
  • (4) In your own words and as you understand it, what does an "equitable approach to writing" look like? (300 max)




  • MOST RECENT TRANSCRIPT: You are welcome to obtain an official transcript from the University, but a screenshot of your unofficial transcript is acceptable. You can find your unofficial transcript by navigating to your “Academic History” through your WesPortal.
  • WRITING SAMPLE: We want to see your proudest undergrad material! It can be about any topic, submitted for any course, written for any purpose or discipline. Feel free to submit something with professor feedback on it, too.

We will review application materials, and let students know about interviews on or around April 3rd. Students who make it to the interview phase, will participate in a 60 minute group interview with two orthree other candidates. All applicants will be notified about final hiring decisions by April 20th.



Q: How many hours a week would I need to commit to this job?

A: Writing Workshop tutors work between two and ten hours per week.

Q: What would be my start/end date?

A: The Workshop opens every semester following the Drop/Add Period and is closed during breaks. Tutors and mentors are not expected to work finals week, although for those who are interested we offer opportunities to work during finals week on an hourly basis.

Q: I’ve never worked in a role like this before. How will I learn the necessary skills and expectations?

A: Regardless of previous experience, all new staff members writing tutors and mentors partake in anintensive two day training before their first semester of work. New tutors then join veteran tutors in continuing their professional development through a .5 credit course, the Ford Seminar, each semester they work with the Workshop. Through the Ford Seminar, tutors and mentors reflect on their praxis, share and develop new methods in their work, discuss research in the field, and work together on troubleshooting issues that may come up in their work. Registration for the Ford Seminar occurs during the Drop/Add period.

Q: I’ve worked for the Workshop before and would like to return. Do I need to re-apply?

A: We would love to welcome you back to the Writing Workshop! If it has been two semesters or lesssince you held a position in the Writing Workshop, please contact Ford Fellow at writingworks@wesleyan.edu. If it has been more than two semesters since you last worked for us, please fill out a new application below.

Q: How much will I be paid for my work?

 A: Staff will begin at a starting wage of $16.35 per hour. After completing new tutor training (held duringthe first weekend of the fall semester) and taking the Ford Seminar during their first semester on staff, the starting wage increases to $17.35 per hour. If staff are unable to attend the training or seminar, they will maintain the starting wage of $16.35 per hour.

For each semester staff participate in the 0.5 credit Ford Seminar course, they will receive a $0.25 raise.Additionally, staff can earn a $0.10 raise for every semester they work at the Writers Room and complete all required meetings, trainings, and job duties.