How to Study Birds
Birds delight us with their beauty, their songs and calls, and their behavior. Birds have also played key roles in the development of fundamental biological concepts. Our focus will be on the diversity of birds in our region, their behavior and preferred habitats, and the need to protect this rich biodiversity. We will consider, as well, the artistic representation of birds. Through classroom sessions and field trips to Hammonasset Beach State Park and Lighthouse Point Park, we will develop our skills in observation, description, and identification. We will make use of current tools, technologies, and available resources to enhance our learning. This course will appeal to birders of all levels of experience and to those interested in ecology and evolutionary biology.
Instructor: Steve Broker
Date: Thursdays, October 5, 12, 19; field trips: October 7, 14 (times TBA)
Time: 6:30–8:30 pm (field trip times TBA)
Cost: $125