Productive Breaks

Vacations were meant for you to gain good rest from the hustle-and-bustle of college life. Make sure you give yourself time to recharge so that you are re-energized for the academic semester!

Organized by Rachel Chung '20

Things to Consider for Each Break

In addition to rest and relaxation, there are a couple of things you can do during your breaks to make sure you are extra prepared to leap back into your busy academic and social life at Wes. View suggestions for each break below:

Thanksgiving Break

  • Don’t forget that finals are right around the corner. Make sure to take a glance at the final exam schedule
  • Before you leave for Thanksgiving:
    • Devise a schedule for through the end of the semester
    • Make a list of all remaining quizzes, exams, papers, finals, and homework assignments
    • Decide in advance of break what work you need to do while you are away
    • Plan time for family, friends and relaxation, but don’t forget about school
    • Set reasonable, achievable goals that will prepare you well for when you return from break
  • During Thanksgiving:
    • Use some time to complete any work you planned to do while away
    • Devise or finalize your upcoming winter break plans
    • Be sure to get some “down-time” for yourself!

Winter Break

  • Planning for the summer break:
    • Think about how you want to use your long summer break; Wesleyan students do a lot of different things over the summer!
      • Attending Wesleyan Summer Session or Summer Study Abroad
      • Working to earn money
      • Traveling domestically or abroad
      • Assisting with research at a lab on-campus or elsewhere
      • Apply for summer internship in an organization or industry of interest
        • Get an early start on your search
        • Create or update your resume
        • Explore Handshake and peruse internship openings on Handshake
        • Start applications for internships that already open
        • Book an appointment with the Career Center staff for when you return
        • Find upcoming career center events for internships and industries you’re interested in using Handshake
    • Review Wesleyan Summer Grants that can provide funding for summer activities whether that be an unpaid internship or independent research
    • Explore study abroad options for the full year or fall! Those sessions typically have deadlines during the spring semester.
  • Learn a new skill using online learning courses at LinkedIn Learning! The software, creative, and business courses are free for Wesleyan students through WesPortal.
  • Just before you return to campus, prepare for Drop/Add

Spring Break

  • Before break:
    • Look ahead to major assignments and commitments coming after break
    • Plan ahead to avoid major stress upon returning to school
      • Watch out for major assignments due right when you return!
        • You may have to study materials or write papers during your two weeks off
        • Even if you don’t have anything due immediately after break, you should get a head start on work due anytime in the two weeks following break
  • Review material from the first part of the semester:
    • You will almost certainly be learning material after the break that builds upon material learned before the break
    • Final exams are also often cumulative
    • Take a little time out of each day or few days to look over notes, exams, readings, etc.
    • Jot down any chapters or topics you find particularly challenging
    • Make a list of questions to ask your professors about difficult material

Summer Break

  • Relax!
  • Enjoy your summer break plans
  • Make plans for returning to campus whether that be by car, bus, plane or train
  • Stock up on back to school supplies
    • Stationary like pens, pencils, paper, binders/folders, etc.
    • Dorm supplies like cleaning supplies, food etc.
    • Toiletries like shampoo, conditioner, body wash etc.
    • Decorations like posters, string lights, photos etc.
  • Just before you return to campus, prepare for Drop/Add

General Information

Need help setting up a schedule for break?

Talk to a peer advisor! You can email all of us at or browse through our bio page, and email an individual peer advisor directly.