Queer Studies focuses on the social production and regulation of sexuality, asking: How does sexual normativity structure and shape diverse social and political institutions? What are the intersections of sexual marginality and other axes of difference (gender, race, ethnicity, disability, class, Indigeneity, nation)? How does the social organization of desire produce forms of oppression and of resistance in varied places and times?
The Course Cluster in Queer Studies at Wesleyan includes courses across the humanities, the humanistic social sciences, and the interdisciplinary programs. Particular research and teaching strengths at Wesleyan include queer theory, intersectional histories of queer embodiment, queer of color critique, performance studies, and transnational queer studies. Current Queer Studies courses are listed on WesMaps.
If you have questions regarding Queer Studies at Wesleyan, please contact the Queer Studies Coordinator, Professor Margot Weiss (mdweiss-at-wesleyan.edu).