Public Safety Awareness Report
Wednesday, 12/18/2024
11:22am Larceny - College Street - Staff member called in a theft of a laptop computer from the sociology department. MPD was notified and report taken.
Tuesday, 12/17/2024
9:06pm Unauthorized Presence - High Street Chapel - Staff member reported student in closed area. Contact made and student left area.
Monday, 12/16/2024
No incidents reported.
Sunday, 12/15/2024
9:35am Drug Incident - Huber Avenue - Drug paraphernalia found during winter break shutdown. Items confiscated and brought to HQ.
9:59am Drug Incident - William Street - Numerous items confiscated from common room.
10:36am Drug Incident - MoCon Drive - Drug paraphernalia found during winter break shutdown. Items confiscated and brought to HQ.
10:38am Drug Incident - Foss Hill Drive - AC discovered drug paraphernalia during winter break shutdown. Items confiscated and brought to HQ.
10:59 am Drug Incident - MoCon Drive - Drug paraphernalia found during winter break shutdown. Items confiscated and brought to HQ.
12:15pm Drug Incident - William Street - Drug paraphernalia found during winter break shutdown. Items confiscated and brought to HQ and destroyed.
1:09pm Drug Incident - Washington Street - Drug paraphernalia found during winter break shutdown. Items confiscated and brought to HQ and destroyed.
6:52pm Student Assist - Vine Street - Student's vehicle struck by hit and run driver. MPD dispatched. Report taken and photos taken by Public Safety and MPD.
Saturday, 12/14/2024
1:30am Medical Assist - Alcohol - Washington Terrace - Intoxicated student transported to Middlesex Health ER.
5:21am Fire Alarm - Church Street - Room showing alarm trip. MFD responded and nothing found. MFD reset the panel. Boiler Room notified, work order placed.
Friday, 12/13/2024
2:15am Medical Assist - Church Street - Student reported an individual needing medical assistance. Hunters dispatched and individual transported to Middlesex Health ER. Reporting student offered protocol and declined.
4:52pm Suspicious Person - Vine Street - Student reported an individual walking through lot and looking into the windows of vehicles. Area checked with negative results.
5:01pm Disturbance - MoCon Drive - Report of loud music coming from room. P.S. and AC responded to room. Music turned off and officers cleared.
5:20pm Suspicious Person - Lawn Avenue - Employee reported individual entered building through 1st floor porch window. MPD notified. Individual was a student who was sick and did not want to have contact with resident inside.
7:18pm Fire Alarm - Church Street - Student reported burning odor. Unit 9 and MFD notified . MFD did a check of the area and cause of odor unfounded.
8:32pm Suspicious Person - Church Street - Student reported individual hanging around the area. Public Safety met with student and took report. Public Safety will monitor area. AD notified.
10:38pm Social Event Violation - Foss Hill Drive - Student using the area for a rave party. RA became aware of party during rounds. Party shut down. Students left the area and doors secured.
11:27pm Disturbance - Foss Hill Drive - Report of loud music. Contact made and music turned off.
Thursday, 12/12/2024
5:31pm Medical Assist - Wyllys Avenue - Student got dizzy and hit her head on glass window. Declined medical assistant and photos were taken.
Wednesday, 12/11/2024
5:33pm Fire Alarm - Home Avenue - Alarm activation due to cooking. MFD responded and Unit 9 notified. MFD reset the system.
Tuesday, 12/10/2024
2:54pm Medical Assist - Washington Street - Student Feels Suicidal and requests transport to Middlesex Health ER for treatment. Officers met with student and transported to ER. CAPS notified.
Monday, 12/9/2024
2:30am Fire Panel Trouble - Church Street - Boiler Room requested Public Safety meet him at the scene. The panel was silenced and work order placed.
Sunday, 12/8/2024
12:30am Suspicious Circumstances - Freeman Athletic Center - RIDE driver did not feel comfortable with individual in van. Individual who was a student, spoke with officers, LT and dispatcher about his complaint of party going on. He was concerned nothing was being done about students drinking and loud music. Party was shutdown.
12:43am Suspicious Circumstances - Church Street - Student reported an intoxicated male was sleeping in her bed. Before the arrival of officers, the student was helped to his room by friends.
12:53am Disturbance - Cross Street - Report of loud music, overcrowding and alcohol at residence. Music was turned off and students left the area upon arrival of officers.
1:07am Disturbance - Pine Street - Report of loud music in the area. Officer canvassed the area, unfounded.
1:34am Mechanical Problem - Home Avenue - Report of toilet overflowing with water flowing through ceiling into 1st floor .Boiler Room notified. Overflow stopped and work order placed for ceiling damage.
2:04am Disturbance - Brainerd Avenue - Report of loud screaming. Area canvassed with negative results.
2:30am Medical - Alcohol - Fountain Avenue - Student reported an intoxicated student was in their house. Student transported to Middlesex Health ER by Hunters for intoxication.
Saturday, 12/7/2024
12:45am Social Event Violation - Fountain Avenue - Unregistered and over capacity party shut down. Students spoken to by Public Safety.
1:07am Disturbance - Foss Hill Drive - Student complained of loud music. Contact made and music turned off for evening.
1:09am Suspicious Circumstances - High Street - Report of individual asking someone to get in their vehicle. Vehicle left area. Officers searched surrounding areas with negative results.
1:48am Social Event Violation - Fountain Avenue - Unregistered and over capacity party shut down and apartment cleared by Public Safety.
3:42am Informational - Pine Street - Food truck attendant informed Public Safety of fake ID. Information documented and turned over to Dean Butler.
11:45am Motor Vehicle Accident - High Street - Public Safety vehicle involved in accident with MPD. No injuries. Information exchanged and Incident documented.
1:08pm Medical Assist - High Street - Student twisted ankle the previous evening. Transportation provided to Health Center.
1:39pm Harassment - Pine Street - Student had racial altercation from in vehicle. Public Safety officers spoke with student. MPD declined. Wesleyan Title IX notified. Student notified MPD on 12-8.
5:11pm Fire Alarm - Warren Avenue - Activation due to cooking. MFD responded. Stove fan determined not working. Boiler Room placed work order. MFD reset the system.
9:29pm Fire Alarm - Brainerd Avenue - Commercial CO alarm activation in basement due to water pong. MFD and Boiler Room responded.
Friday, 12/6/2024
2:40am Medical - Alcohol - MoCon Drive - Report of unconscious student in bathroom. Hunters dispatched for evaluation. Student signed a refusal for transport. SMG notified for cleanup.
3:36pm Suspicious Circumstances - Huber Avenue - Anonymous student reported name tags being removed from doors. Officer dispatched and report taken.
11:37pm Mechanical Problem - High Street - Report of sparks from wires. Boiler Room notified and wires checked. Believed caused by short and work order placed.
Thursday, 12/5/2024
1:09am Medical Assist - Pine Street - Student requested transport to Middlesex Health ER due to issues swallowing. Transported by Public Safety.
1:32pm Vandalism - Freeman Athletic Center - Frame of door damaged. Work order placed by Physical Plant. Carpenters currently repairing door.
Wednesday, 12/4/2024
4:59am Suspicious Vehicle - Long Lane - Staff member reported suspicious vehicle near dumpsters and advised to leave private property.
10:48am Suspicious Circumstances - Lawn Avenue - Staff member reported a box of targets in area. Targets removed and brought to Public Safety.
11:34am Mental Health Assist - MoCon Drive - Non-Wesleyan therapist reported student expressed thoughts of suicide. Student found in room, limited cooperation.
2:36pm Drug Incident - Church Street - Staff member reported student smoking marijuana. Public Safety made contact and advised student of CSB. Items were confiscated.
6:10pm Accident - Fall - Pearl Street - Non-Wesleyan guest fainted and hit head on the wall. Individual transported to Middlesex Health ER by Hunters.
8:57pm Fire Incident - Other - B Lot - Public Safety LT. responded to report of fire caused by student burning drawings in parking lot. MFD notified. Student extinguished the fire with foot. MFD was canceled.
10:51pm Medical Assist - Pine Street - Student requested ride to Middlesex Health ER for medical issues. Transported by Public Safety.
Tuesday, 12/3/2024
1:22pm Fire Alarm - Church Street - Central Dispatch reported alarm. Physical Plant notified. Unfounded. MFD reset the system.
5:46pm Mental Health Assist - Pine Street - Concerned student looking for roommate with mental health issues. AC and Deans notified. Contact eventually made through roommate. Student stated they are OK and with family member. Updated notifications made.
6:11pm Fire Alarm - Home Avenue - Alarm activation due to cooking. MFD and Unit 9 responded. MFD reset system.
Monday, 12/2/2024
3:43pm Suspicious Circumstance - William Street - Staff member reported an individual was jumping on top of a vehicle demanding to be let inside. Individual proceeded to get off vehicle and follow it in their vehicle. MPD notified. Area searched by MPD and Public Safety with negative results.
8:50pm Fire Alarm - Foss Hill Drive - Alarm activation due to individual cooking in basement. MFD responded and U9. MFD reset the system.
Sunday, 12/1/2024
4:29am Assist - High Street- MPD reported individual hit a students parked car on the city street. Student was notified.
5:06am Fire Panel-Trouble - Court Street- Central Dispatch reported fire panel trouble. Fire panel reading normal upon arrival of Public Safety. Boiler room was notified.
5:03pm Informational - Foss Hill Drive- Student reported bed bugs in room. Physical Plant and Res Life notified.
11:24pm Fire Panel-Trouble - Foss Hill Drive- Student reported fire panel trouble. Area checked, panel beeping intermittently. Boiler Room acknowledged the panel and work order placed.
Saturday, 11/30/2024
11:27am Fire Alarm - Cross Street- Fire Alarm activation due to steam from shower. MFD responded and reset the panel. U9 was notified.
4:41pm Mechanical Problem-Failure - Church Street- Student reported a leaking toilet. Boiler room was notified.
6:56pm Check Area - William Street- Report of student experiencing mental health issues. Officers checked the area with negative findings. Report taken.
Friday, 11/29/2024
11:36am Fire Alarm - Pearl Street- Fire Alarm activation due to cooking. MFD responded and reset the panel. U9 was notified.
3:24pm Trespass-Warning - Fountain Avenue- Individual warned off campus for soliciting.
Thursday, 11/28/2024
No incidents reported.
Wednesday, 11/27/2024
4:57pm Assist - Wyllys Avenue- Employee reported unruly student in cafeteria. Officers made contact with student who left the area.
5:18pm Fire Panel-Trouble - William Street- Salafia Electric reported fire panel trouble. Fire panel reading supervisory 2nd floor bedroom upon arrival of Public Safety. Physical Plant was notified.
5:34pm Fire Alarm - William Street- Fire Alarm activation due to cooking. MFD responded and reset the panel. Boiler room was notified.
6:36pm Disturbance - Washington Street- Report of loud music coming from area. Officers checked the area with negative findings.
Monday, 11/25/2024
1:49am Fire Alarm - Washington Street- Fire Alarm activation due to student burning candles. MFD responded confiscated candles and reset the panel. Boiler room was notified.
Monday, 11/25/2024
12:08pm Disturbance - Foss Hill Drive- Anonymous report of loud music coming from area. Officers made contact with the students who turned the music off.
11:23am Motor Vehicle Accident - Foss Hill Drive- Individual reported damage to motor vehicle. MPD declined. Report taken by Public Safety.
5:22pm Fire Alarm - Church Street- Fire Alarm activation due to cooking. MFD responded and reset the panel. U9 was notified.
8:05pm Drug Incident - Foss Hill- Student experiencing medical issues after smoking marijuana. Student was transported to Middlesex Health ER by Hunters Ambulance.
Sunday, 11/24/2024
12:30am Disturbance - Cross Street- Report of loud music. Officers made contact with students who shut the registered party down for the night.
7:40pm Suspicious Circumstances - High Street- Report of unknown individual yelling abusive language towards students. Report taken.
9:43pm Mechanical Problem-Failure - William Street- Student reported toilet overflowed onto the floor. Boiler room was notified. Student will clean up water.
Saturday, 11/23/2024
12:25am Disturbance - Lawn Avenue- Anonymous report of loud music and screaming coming from area. Officers made contact with student who was advised to keep the noise down.
3:37pm Fire Alarm - Court Street- Fire Alarm activation due to cooking. MFD responded and reset the panel. Boiler room was notified.
4:10pm Drug Incident - Butterfield Courtyard- AC reported students smoking marijuana in courtyard. Public Safety confiscated items, tested and destroyed them. Report taken.
4:42pm Fire Alarm - Fountain Avenue- Fire Alarm activation due to steam from shower. MFD responded and reset the panel. Boiler room was notified.
Friday, 11/22/2024
12:49am Alcohol - Foss Hill Drive- Intoxicated student transported to Middlesex Health ER by Hunters Ambulance.
2:43am Unauthorized Presence - Church Street- Student found in building after hours. Student refused to leave due to issues with roommates. AC on duty contacted and relocated student temporarily.
8:56pm Mechanical Problem-Failure - Washington Street- Staff reported toilet overflowed onto the floor. U9 was notified. SMG notified for clean up.
10:33pm Vandalism - Foss Hill- Student reported shattered panes of glass at the entrance of building. U9 was notified. Carpenter was called in for repair.
Thursday, 11/21/2024
12:04pm Suspicious Circumstances - Church Street-Student reported individual exposed themselves. MPD and Public Safety took report. Student declined CAPS.
1:47pm Mental Health-Assist - William Street- Parent requested a well being check on student who missed appointment. Contact was made with student who called his mother.
5:21pm Larceny-Theft - Cross Street- Student reported his phone stolen. Report taken by MPD and Public Safety.
8:00pm Informational - William Street- Boyfriend of student reported he was unable to contact his girlfriend. No mental health concerns. Student was not home when officers checked the residence, no contact made.
10:37pm Off Campus Medical Transport - Foss Hill Drive- Ill student transported to Middlesex Health ER by Public Safety.
Wednesday, 11/20/2024
7:49am Fire Alarm - Warren Avenue- Fire Alarm activation due to system malfunction. MFD responded and reset the panel. Physical Plant was notified.
10:1pm Assist - William Street- Student reported hearing an individual screaming and crying. Officers made contact with student who stated she was stressed over personal matters. Student declined CAPS.
Tuesday, 11/19/2024
5:24pm Fire Alarm - Vine Street- Fire Alarm activation due to cooking. MFD responded and reset the panel. U9 was notified.
5:32pm Assist - Wyllys Avenue- Student experiencing chest pains transported to Middlesex Health ER by Hunters Ambulance.
5:35pm Well Being Check - Church Street- Report of student experiencing difficulty breathing. AC contacted for room entry. Student was not in room, no contact made.
6:01pm Fire Alarm - Knowles Avenue- Fire Alarm activation due to cooking. MFD responded and reset the panel. U9 was notified.
6:59pm Fire Alarm - Cross Street- Fire Alarm activation due to steam from shower. MFD responded and reset the panel. U9 was notified.
9:08pm Property-Lost - Church Street- Student reported lost/stolen laptop. MPD and CAPS declined. Report taken by Public Safety.
11:40pm Mechanical Problem-Failure - Church Street- RA reported clogged drain in bathroom. Boiler room notified, cleared the drain and placed a work order. SMG notified for clean up.
Monday, 11/18/2024
1:24am Disturbance - Cross Street- Report of loud people in the area. Officers checked the area, unfounded.
1:30am Disturbance - Foss Hill Drive- Report of someone stomping around. Officers made contact with students who turned the turned off video games for the night.
11:11am Assist - Church Street- Assisted MPD contacting student to relocate vehicle. Student was contacted and moved vehicle.
1:18pm Fire Alarm - Church Street- Fire Alarm activation due to sprinkler flow alarm. MFD responded and reset the panel. Physical Plant was notified.
5:46pm Fire Alarm - High Street- Fire Alarm activation due to fog machine. MFD responded and reset the panel. U9 was notified.
7:20pm Assist - Church Street- Report of Motor Vehicle accident involving a scooter. MPD notified. Report taken by MPD and Public Safety.
7:25pm Fire Alarm - Vine Street- Fire Alarm activation due to cooking. MFD responded and reset the panel. U9 was notified.
10:11pm Assist - Foss Hill Drive- Ill student transported to Middlesex Health ER by Hunters Ambulance.
Sunday, 11/17/2024
1:08am Alcohol - Washington Street- Intoxicated student transported to Middlesex Health ER by Hunters Ambulance.
3:17am Disturbance - Butterfield Courtyard- Anonymous report of loud people. Officers checked the area with negative findings.
Saturday, 11/16/2024
12:56am Alcohol - Williams Street- Intoxicated student transported to Middlesex Health ER by Hunters Ambulance.
8:41am Animal Control - Foss Hill Drive- Student reported injured hawk near building. MPD/Animal control notified. Report taken by MPD and Public Safety.
11:45pm Assist - Vine Street- Student experiencing faint/light headedness symptoms was transported to Middlesex Health ER by Hunters Ambulance.
Friday, 11/15/2024
3:16am Fire Alarm - Brainard Avenue- Fire Alarm activation due to cooking. MFD responded and reset the panel. Boiler room was notified.
3:16am Alcohol - Lawn Avenue- RA reported intoxicated student vomiting. Medical Services dispatched. Individual evaluated by Hunters and signed a refusal. SMG notified for clean up.
11:00am Larceny-Theft - D-Lot- Report taken of theft of University property.
11:37am Fire Alarm - Home Avenue- Fire Alarm activation due to pull station malfunction. MFD responded and the panel was left in alarm. Physical Plant notified to address issue.
6:19pm Suspicious Odor - Vine Street- Student reported the smell of gas. MFD responded. Area was checked by MFD with meters, negative findings.
6:55pm Fire Alarm - Fountain Avenue- Fire Alarm activation due to cooking. MFD responded and reset the panel.
8:42pm Assist - Off Campus- Assisted an Alum with a Mental health Crisis.
11:40pm Fire Panel Trouble - Foss Hill- RA reported fire panel in trouble. Panel reads supervisory. Boiler room was notified, silenced the panel and placed a work order.
Thursday, 11/14/2024
12:08pm Accident-Motor Vehicle - A-Lot- Individual reported hitting 2 parked cars in lot. MPD notified. Report taken by MPD and Public Safety.
12:44pm Fire Alarm - Brainard Avenue- Fire Alarm activation due to student accidentally hitting the C/O button. MFD responded and reset panel. Physical Plant was notified
10:47pm Fire Alarm - Fountain Avenue- Fire Alarm activation due to cooking. MFD responded and reset the panel. U9 was notified.
11:04pm Off Campus Medical Transport - Lawn Avenue- Student experiencing skin issues transported to Middlesex Health ER by Public Safety.
Wednesday, 11/13/2024
12:11pm Assist - Hamlin Street-MPD reported possible vandalism to a Wesleyan property. Officers checked the area with negative findings. Report taken.
1:09pm Accident-Fall - Cross Street- Grad Student fell on ice injuring back. Medical Services were dispatched. Individual evaluated by Hunters and signed a refusal. They were transported to the Health Center by another student.
5:37pm Fire Alarm - Washington Street- Fire Alarm activation due to cooking. MFD responded and reset the panel. U9 was notified.
6:29pm Mechanical Problem-Failure - Cross Street- Employee reported an overflowing toilet. U9 was notified.
Tuesday, 11/12/2024
2:35pm Informational - Long Lane- Employee reported illegal dumping, air conditioners were thrown in dumpster. Report taken.
2:44pm Suspicious Vehicle - Long Lane- Employee reported suspicious vehicle near pond. Officers checked the area and made contact with a local resident just checking the area out. Individual left the area.
7:50pm Check Area - Lawn Avenue- Employee reported someone sleeping on the couch. Officers checked the area with negative findings.
8:53pm Off Campus Medical Transport - MoCon Drive- Ill student transported to Middlesex Health ER by Public Safety.
Monday, 11/11/2024
8:10am Fire Alarm - Foss Hill Drive- Fire Alarm activation due to spray painting in area. MFD responded and reset the panel. Physical Plant was notified.
9:07am Larceny-Theft - W-Lot- Report of window smashed and tires stolen from vehicle. MPD notified. Report taken by MPD and Public Safety.
9:49am Fire Alarm - Brainard Avenue- Fire Alarm activation due to cooking. MFD responded and reset the panel. Physical Plant was notified.
11:54am Fire Alarm - Foss Hill Drive- Fire Alarm activation due to faulty smoke detector. MFD responded and reset the panel. Physical Plant was notified.
2:57pm Accident-Motor Vehicle - High Street- Employee reported motor vehicle accident in lot. Employees exchanged information. Report taken by Public Safety.
3:15pm Fire Alarm - Foss Hill Drive- Fire Alarm activation due to faulty smoke detector. MFD responded and reset the panel. Physical Plant was notified.
4:43pm Fire Panel Trouble - Foss Hill Drive- Central Dispatch reported fire panel trouble. Fire panel reading normal upon arrival of Public Safety. U9 was notified.
5:32pm Mechanical Problem-Failure - Huber Avenue- RA reported clogged sink with a leaking pipe. U9 was notified.
6:18pm Fire Alarm - Cross Street- Fire Alarm activation due to unknown cause. MFD responded and reset the panel. U9 was notified.
7:08pm Assist - Brainard Avenue- MPD requested assistance with motor vehicle accident that occurred on 11-7-24.
9:50pm Mechanical Problem-Failure - Church Street- Student reported washer machine broken and water on the floor. U9 was notified.
Sunday, 11/10/2024
12:13am Fire Alarm - Fountain Avenue- Fire Alarm activation due to faulty smoke head. MFD responded and reset the panel. Physical Plant was notified. Johnson Controls responded to address issue.
1:54am Unauthorized Presence - Cross Street- Report of individual on roof of building. Officers made contact with individuals, individuals left the area.
5:53am Fire Panel Trouble - Church Street- Officer reported fire panel trouble. Trouble was due to faulty smoke head. Boiler room was notified, silenced the panel and placed work order.
5:16pm Fire Alarm - Fairview Avenue- Fire Alarm activation due to cooking. MFD responded and reset the panel. Boiler room was notified.
7:13pm Mechanical Problem-Failure - Wyllys Avenue- Staff member reported leak from ceiling. Boiler room notified. No active leak found, work order placed.
Saturday, 11/9/2024
10:16am Fire Panel Trouble - Church Street- Officer reported fire panel trouble. Boiler room was notified, silenced the panel and placed work order.
10:48am Mechanical Problem-Failure - Church Street- Student reported water leaking from two different toilets. Boiler room was notified and placed a work order.
12:01pm Alcohol - Jackson Field- Non-Wesleyan individual reported 15-20 teenagers drinking from red solo cups. Area checked, individuals dropped their cups and ran upon officers arrival.
7:01pm Fire Alarm - Fairview Avenue- Fire Alarm activation due to carbon monoxide detector. Student heard the panel beep and hit the reset button. MFD responded. Area was checked by MFD with meters, negative findings. Physical Plant was notified.
8:46pm Fire Alarm - Fountain Avenue- Fire Alarm activation due to unknown cause. MFD responded and reset the panel. Boiler room was notified.
9:58pm Fire Alarm - Fountain Avenue- Fire Alarm activation due to faulty smoke head. MFD responded and reset the panel. Physical Plant was notified. Johnson Controls responded to address issue.
Friday, 11/8/2024
1:12am Disturbance - Brainard Avenue- Report of disturbance in area. Officers checked the area deemed it unfounded.
1:53am Disturbance - Lawn Avenue- Report of loud group and music in area. Officers checked the area deemed it unfounded.
7:14am Informational - Wesleyan University- Salafia Electric reported receiving numerous fire panel troubles on campus with a restoral. Report taken.
9:04am Vandalism - Washington Street- Officer reported attempted break in at a storage garage. Physical Plant notified and will secure the area.
9:40am Off Campus Medical Transport - Long Lane- Contractor experienced a medical emergency transported to Middlesex Health ER by Public Safety.
5:19pm Fire Panel Trouble - High Street- Officer reported fire panel trouble. Fire panel reading ground fault. U9 was notified.
6:18pm Larceny/Theft - Foss Hill- Student reported their bike stolen. MPD declined. Report taken by Public Safety.
9:14pm Informational - Pine Street- Vehicle parked blocking the dumpster. Officer made contact with owner, vehicle moved. Report taken by Public Safety.
9:31pm Mechanical Problem-Failure - Huber Avenue- Student reported two concrete tiles broken and others loose. Area taped off and barricaded. U9 notified and will place work order.
10:11pm Fire Alarm - Home Avenue- Fire Alarm activation due to accidental pull of pull station. MFD responded and reset the panel. U9 was notified.
10:45pm Alcohol - Cross Street- Intoxicated student transported to Middlesex Health ER by Hunters Ambulance.
Thursday, 11/7/2024
1:51am Fire Panel Trouble - Church Street- Central Dispatch reported fire panel trouble. Boiler room was notified, silenced the panel and placed work order.
11:51am Assist - Vine Street- Officer reported a motor vehicle accident with injuries, Non-Wesleyan individual struck another vehicle. MPD notified.
7:57pm Mechanical Problem-Failure - High Street- Student reported water leaking from 2nd floor toilet. U9 was notified.
6:48pm Mechanical Problem-Failure - William Street- Student reported clogged toilet that overflowed. U9 was notified.
10:44pm Informational - Huber Avenue- Student reported accidentally discharging pepper spray in room. Area checked by officers, room was clear spray dissipated.
Wednesday, 11/6/2024
6:34am Fire Panel Trouble - High Street- Officer reported fire panel trouble. Fire panel reading ground fault.. Boiler room was notified. Work order placed.
12:12pm Suspicious Vehicle - W-Lot- Employee reported a white Lexus occupied by three males smoking marijuana. Area checked and vehicle was gone prior to officers arrival.
3:16pm Suspicious Circumstances - Church Street- Professor reported his office was entered and someone rummaged through it. Report taken.
7:18pm Fire Alarm - High Street- Fire Alarm activation due to cooking. MFD responded and reset the panel. U9 was notified.
Tuesday, 11/5/2024
12:37am Fire Panel Trouble - Church Street- Central Dispatch reported fire panel trouble. Cause of trouble is unknown. Boiler room was notified, silenced the panel and placed work order.
5:16pm Fire Panel Trouble - Foss Hill Drive- Central Dispatch reported fire panel trouble. Fire panel reading normal upon arrival of Public Safety. U9 was notified.
6:50pm Assist - Lawn Avenue- Student reported accidentally inhaling chemicals during class. Medical Services dispatched. Student evaluated by Hunters and signed a refusal.
9:26pm Assist - Cross Street-Student injured knee playing basketball transported to Middlesex Health ER by Hunters Ambulance.
Monday, 11/4/2024
12:42am Fire Alarm - Vine Street- Fire Alarm activation due to steam from shower. MFD responded and reset the panel. Boiler room was notified.
10:03am Accident-Fall - Lawn Avenue- Two contractors fell off scaffolding. Medical services dispatched. Both individuals were transported to Hartford Hospital by Hunters Ambulance.
8:29pm Fire Panel Trouble - Fountain Avenue- Central Dispatch reported fire panel trouble. Fire panel reading normal upon arrival of Public Safety. U9 was notified.
10:36pm Motor Vehicle Accident - Washington Street- Grad student reported backing into parked car on Street. MPD notified. Owner inspected vehicle determined no significant damage found. Report taken by Public Safety.
Sunday, 11/3/2024
1:27am Assist - Lawn Avenue- Student experiencing back pain. Medical Services dispatched. Individual evaluated by Hunters and signed a refusal.
1:56am Disturbance - Warren Avenue- Anonymous report of loud party. Officers made contact and shutdown the party, all non-residents left the area.
3:17am Alcohol - Huber Avenue- Intoxicated student transported to Middlesex Health ER by Hunters Ambulance.
6:42am Alarm-Other - Church Street- Central Dispatch reported a water flow alarm. MFD and U9 responded. Area was checked, no issues found. MFD reset the panel.
7:59pm Accident-Motor Vehicle - High Street- Anonymous report of car in grass area. Student states she forgot to put the emergency brake on and vehicle rolled into grass area. MPD notified. Student was able to move car, no damage found. Report taken by MPD and Public Safety.
7:26pm Fire Panel Trouble - Church Street- Salafia Electric reported fire panel trouble. Fire panel reading normal upon arrival of Public Safety. U9 was notified.
Saturday, 11/2/2024
12:08am Disturbance - Pine Street- Student reported loud music. Officers spoke with the residents who turned the music down.
12:27am Suspicious Person - Cross Street- Employee reported individuals refusing to leave the outdoor track. Officers made contact with 3 students who complied and left the area.
1:35am Suspicious Circumstances - Foss Hill Drive- Student reported individual yelling at students. Officers encountered and UBER eats driver who was upset after seeing students rummaging through his vehicle. Students fled the area. MPD notified. Report taken by MPD and Public Safety.
2:26am Informational - Church Street- Student reported hearing someone crying and vomiting through the door. Officers made contact with student who was emotional due to a break up. Student declined CAPS and any other assistance.
2:36am Assist - Huber Avenue- Ill student transported to Middlesex Health ER by Hunters Ambulance.
8:00am Informational - Wyllys Avenue- Report of numerous parking and traffic issues. Report taken.
10:48am Fire Panel Trouble - Brainard Avenue- Salafia Electric reported fire panel trouble. Fire panel reading normal upon arrival of Public Safety. U9 was notified.
11:10am Fire Alarm - Pine Street- Fire Alarm activation due to cooking. MFD responded and reset the panel. U9 was notified.
12:11pm Off Campus Medical Transport - High Street- Public Safety transported student to Middlesex Health ER for evaluation.
8:20pm Suspicious Circumstances - High Street- MPD received a call of possible underage drinking. Area checked by Public Safety and MPD with negative findings. Report taken by MPD and Public Safety.
8:45pm Fire Alarm - Home Avenue- Fire Alarm activation due to cooking. MFD responded and reset the panel. U9 was notified.
11:47pm Suspicious Circumstances - Lawn Avenue- Student reported hearing someone yelling for help. Officers checked the area with negative findings. Report taken.
Friday, 11/1/2024
12:12am Disturbance - Foss Hill Drive- Anonymous report of loud music and people coming from area. Officers made contact with student who shut down the music. All students partying on his balcony/courtyard dispersed.
12;47am Suspicious Vehicle - Fountain Avenue- Student reported suspicious vehicle driving slowly though area. Officers made contact with UBER eats driver making a delivery.
3:59pm Fire Alarm - Fountain Avenue- Fire Alarm activation due to cooking. MFD responded and reset the panel. U9 was notified.
10:33pm Fire Panel Trouble - Brainard Avenue- Salafia Electric reported fire panel trouble. Fire panel reading ground fault upon arrival of Public Safety. Boiler room was notified. Work order placed.
10:59pm Disturbance - William Street- Anonymous report of loud music coming from area. Upon Public Safety arriving music was turned off and individuals ran from area.
11:56pm Disturbance - Home Avenue- Anonymous report of loud music coming from area. Officers made contact with student who shut down the music.
Thursday, 10/31/2024
12:49pm Fire Alarm - Church Street- Fire Alarm activation due to cooking. MFD responded and reset the panel.
2:28pm Fire Alarm - High Street- Fire Alarm activation due to cooking. MFD responded and reset the panel. Physical Plant was notified.
8:36pm Suspicious Circumstances - Home Avenue- Student reported individual claiming to be electrical worker asking questions. Report taken by Public Safety.
Wednesday, 10/30/2024
12:07am Fire Panel Trouble - Foss Hill Drive - Panel beeping, showing smoke 2nd floor room smoke detector. Boiler Room responded. No answer at room and no smoke in area. Panel reset.
12:33am Well Being Check - Lawn Avenue - Student requested a well being check for a friend she was unable to contact. Student called back, contact made and all OK.
4:37am Fire Panel Trouble - Home Avenue - Fire panel trouble 2nd floor room smoke detector. Boiler Room responded and silenced panel. Work order placed for heat sensor replacement.
5:56am Fire Panel Trouble - Church Street - Fire Panel trouble . Boiler Room responded. Area checked and panel silenced. Work order placed.
10:11am Fire Alarm - High Street - Alarm activation reported. False alarm. Testing being done by MFD Fire Marshall and Physical Plant. Officer checked building and verified testing.
8:21pm Mechanical Failure - Foss Hill Drive - RA reported pipes leaking from ceiling in hallway. Boiler Room notified. PP aware of issue and will be repaired when students are on break.
8:33pm Fire Alarm - Warren Avenue - Fire alarm activation due to cooking. MFD reset the panel.
Tuesday, 10/29/2024
8:13pm Fire Alarm - Washington Terrace - Alarm activated by material in the studio that was hot. MFD responded.
Monday, 10/28/2024
3:29am Fire Panel Trouble - William Street- Salafia Electric reported fire panel trouble. Fire panel reading normal upon arrival of Public Safety. Boiler room was notified.
11:35am Mental Health-Assist - Church Street- Student experiencing mental health crisis. Student was evaluated by CAPS.
5:59pm Assist - Home Avenue- Student reported witnessing a hit and run. MPD notified. Report taken by MPD and Public Safety.
7:24pm Fire Alarm - Fountain Avenue- Fire Alarm activation due to cooking. MFD responded and reset the panel. U9 was notified.
9:59pm Fire Alarm - Pine Street- Fire Alarm activation due to cooking. MFD responded and reset the panel. U9 was notified.
Sunday, 10/27/2024
12:00am Fire Alarm - High Street- Fire Alarm activation due to a malicious pull. MFD responded and reset the panel. Boiler room was notified.
1:02am Alcohol - Foss Hill Drive- Intoxicated student transported to Middlesex Health ER by Hunters Ambulance.
1:54am Alcohol - Foss Hill Drive- Intoxicated student transported to Middlesex Health ER by Hunters Ambulance.
7:49am Assist - Washington Street- Student experiencing medical issue, transported to Middlesex Health ER by Public Safety.
12:52pm Suspicious Circumstances - Lawn Avenue- Student reported an individual possibly living in hallway. Officers made contact with the individual who was a student exhausted from studying all night and stayed in the building.
2:58pm Fire Alarm - Cross Street- Fire Alarm activation due to cooking. MFD responded and reset the panel.
3:26pm Fire Alarm - Warren Street- Fire Alarm activation due to cooking. MFD responded and reset the panel. U9 was notified.
5:24pm Mechanical Problem-Failure - Church Street- Student reported clogged toilet that overflowed. Boiler room was notified. SMG was notified for clean up.
6:38pm Fire Panel Trouble - Cross Street- Central Dispatch reported fire panel trouble. Panel not responding upon arrival of Public Safety. Boiler room was notified.
Saturday, 10/26/2024
10:44am Suspicious Circumstances - Court Street- Student reported individual sleeping on the roof. Officers checked the area with negative findings.
10:40am Alcohol - Off Campus- Public Safety picked student up at Middlesex Health ER. Student was intoxicated and brought to ER by friends.
9:49pm Informational - Pine Street- Student reported unknown individuals throwing glass bottles in the Street. Officers checked the area, individuals were GOA. MPD notified for cleanup.
10:31pm Fire Panel Trouble - Fountain Avenue- Salafia Electric reported fire panel trouble. Fire panel reading normal upon arrival of Public Safety. Boiler room was notified.
11:40pm Alcohol - Fountain Avenue- Intoxicated student transported to Middlesex Health ER by Hunters Ambulance.
11;48PM Alcohol - High Street- Intoxicated student transported to Middlesex Health ER by Hunters Ambulance.
Friday, 10/25/2024
12:30am Disturbance - Fountain Avenue- Student reported loud music/people. Officers spoke with the residents who turned off the music.
1:38am Disturbance - Lawn Avenue- Student reported loud music and smoking. Officers spoke with the students who turned off the music and left the area.
5:36am Fire Panel Trouble - Brainard Avenue- Salafia Electric reported fire panel trouble. Fire panel reading normal upon arrival of Public Safety. Boiler room was notified.
2:16pm Fire Alarm - Washington Street- Fire Alarm activation due to unknown cause. MFD responded and reset the panel. Physical Plant was notified.
5:34pm Suspicious Circumstances - Church Street- Employee reported a pile of shoes and some open mail outside of apartment. MPD notified. Report taken by MPD and Public Safety.
5:52pm Fire Alarm - Brainard Avenue- Fire Alarm activation due to cooking. MFD responded and reset the panel. U9 was notified.
11:17pm Disturbance - Home Avenue- Student reported loud music and people coming from area. Officers spoke with the students who turned off the music.
11:51pm Suspicious Person - Church Street- Student reported Non-Wesleyan individuals entered building. Officers checked the area located the individuals, they were identified as Non-Wesleyan individuals and warmed off campus.
Thursday, 10/24/2024
5:44am Fire Alarm - Warren Avenue- Fire Alarm activation due to unknown cause. MFD responded and reset the panel. Boiler room was notified.
10:26am Fire Alarm - Cross Street- Fire Alarm activation due to unknown cause. MFD responded and reset the panel. Physical Plant was notified.
4:58pm Fire Panel Trouble - Washington Terrace- Central Dispatch reported fire panel trouble. Fire panel reading storage room duct smoke upon arrival of Public Safety. Physical Plant stated the system was partially disabled for an event.
7:58pm Fire Alarm - Cross Street- Fire Alarm activation due to faulty smoke detector. MFD responded and reset the panel. Physical Plant was notified.
8:52pm Drug Incident - MoCon Drive- Anonymous report of marijuana smoke coming from room. Officers checked the area with negative findings. Report taken.
Wednesday, 10/23/2024
4:38am Fire Panel Trouble - Fountain Avenue- Salafia Electric reported fire panel trouble. Fire panel reading normal upon arrival of Public Safety. U9 was notified.
9:21pm Mechanical Problem-Failure - Washington Street- Grad Student reported water leaking from ceiling. U9 was notified.
9:36pm Drug Incident - Lawn Avenue- Anonymous report of individuals smoking marijuana in the area. Individuals ran upon the arrival of Public Safety. Report taken.
10:17pm Suspicious Person - Washington Street- Grad Student reported suspicious individual in area. Officers checked the area with negative findings. CAPS, MPD offered and declined. Report taken.
Tuesday, 10/22/2024
12:27am Suspicious Circumstances - Foss Hill Drive- 2 Students reported an uncomfortable situation they encountered with an UBER driver. MPD and CAPS declined. Report taken by Public Safety.
11:26am Larceny-Theft - Church Street- Student reported their bike stolen. MPD declined. Report taken by Public Safety.
7:38pm Mechanical Problem-Failure - Huber Avenue- RA reported water leak from toilet. U9 was notified.
8:06pm Fire Panel Trouble - Lawn Avenue- Salafia Electric reported fire panel trouble. Officer unable to make entry to residence. Physical Plant was notified.
10:00pm Mental Health-Assist - MoCon Drive- Student experiencing mental health crisis. Protocol notified. Student was evaluated and cleared by protocol.
Monday, 10/21/2024
12:29am Check Area - Lawn Avenue- RA reported smelly orange like substance on the floor. Area was checked, substance determined to be orange soda. SMG was notified for clean up.
7:11pm Fire Alarm - Cross Street- Fire Alarm activation due to cooking. MFD responded and reset the panel. U9 was notified.
Sunday, 10/20/2024
1:53am Disturbance - MoCon Drive- Student reported loud music/party coming from room. Officers spoke with the residents who turned off the music and all non-residents left the room.
6:20am Suspicious Circumstances - William Street- Student reported unknown individual knocking aggressively on the door. Officers made contact with individual, nobody knocked on the door the noise was from people moving next door.
4:18pm Fire Panel Trouble - Fountain Avenue- Salafia Electric reported fire panel trouble. Fire panel reading normal upon arrival of Public Safety. U9 was notified.
Saturday, 10/19/2024
1:12am Fire Alarm - Church Street- Fire Alarm activation due to unknown cause. MFD responded and reset the panel.
12:18pm Mechanical Problem-Failure - Washington Terrace- Employee reported water leak. U9 was notified.
5:59pm Informational - Off Campus- Student reported responding to a fraudulent email. MPD notified. Report taken by MPD and Public Safety.
10:54pm Fire Panel Trouble - Wyllys Avenue- Central Dispatch reported fire panel trouble. Fire panel reading normal upon arrival of Public Safety. Boiler room was notified.
Friday, 10/18/2024
12:03am Fire Panel Trouble - High Street- Salafia Electric reported fire panel trouble. Area checked, panel reading trouble pull station. Boiler Room acknowledged the panel and work order placed.
1:56am Assist - Off Campus- Student reported they were unable to locate their friend. Student made contact with their friend, he is fine.
2:36am Assist - Huber Avenue- Student experiencing elevated heart rate transported to Middlesex Health ER by Hunters Ambulance.
12:26pm Alcohol - MoCon Drive-Alcohol found during room inspections. Public Safety confiscated and destroyed item. Report taken.
2:56pm Assist - High Street- Student experiencing allergic reaction transported to Middlesex Health ER by Hunters Ambulance.
Thursday, 10/17/2024
12:24am Suspicious Circumstances - William Street- Employee reported individual hanging around building. Officers made contact with individual who was a student doing a film shoot.
12:11pm Fire Alarm - Fountain Avenue- Fire Alarm activation due to cooking. MFD responded and reset the panel. Boiler room was notified.
3:10pm Drug Incident - Pine Street- Drug paraphernalia found during room inspections. Public Safety confiscated items and destroyed them. Report taken.
4:32pm Accident-Fall - Pine Street- Staff member reported fall. Medical attention declined. Report taken.
8:02pm Fire Panel Trouble - High Street- Salafia Electric reported fire panel trouble. Fire panel reading pull station upon arrival of Public Safety. U9 was notified.
8:23pm Fire Alarm - MoCon Drive- Fire Alarm activation due to dust in heating unit. MFD responded and reset the panel. U9 was notified.
9:45pm Fire Alarm - Lawn Avenue- Employee reported carbon monoxide detector activated briefly. MFD responded. Area was checked by MFD with meters, negative findings. U9 was notified
Wednesday, 10/16/2024
1:31am Suspicious Person - Mt. Vernon- Student reported suspicious male in building. Officers made contact with individual who was a SMG employee.
1:54pm Drug Incident - Foss Hill Drive- Drug paraphernalia found during room inspections. Public Safety confiscated items and destroyed them. Report taken.
4:46pm Suspicious Vehicle - Q-Lot- Employee reported suspicious vehicle circling the parking lot. Officers checked the area with negative findings.
Tuesday, 10/15/2024
9:17pm Off Campus Medical Transport - Huber Avenue- Ill student transported to Middlesex Health ER by Public Safety.
10:20pm Off Campus Medical Transport - Huber Avenue- Student injured nose transported to Middlesex Health ER by Public Safety.
Monday, 10/14/2024
9:24am Suspicious Person - MoCon Drive- Student reported suspicious individual outside their window. Officers made contact with individual who was an employee giving directions.
1:31pm Informational - Church Street- MPD requested assistance identifying owner of a vehicle blocking the street. Unable to assist, no information in our system on the owner.
6:22pm Suspicious Circumstances - Foss Hill Drive-Student reported vehicle alarm going off and an individual shoving something in the window. Officers made contact with individual who was a AAA driver trying to retrieve keys that were locked in the car.
10:28pm Vandalism - Church Street- Public Safety Officer reported graffiti inside building on walls. Physical Plant notified for removal.
10:37pm Vandalism - Church Street- Public Safety Officer reported graffiti inside elevator. Physical Plant notified for removal.
Sunday, 10/13/2024
1:10am Alcohol - Lawn Avenue- Shuttle driver reported possible intoxicated student who exited the ride. Officers checked the interior and exterior of the building with negative findings.
1:11am Alcohol - Foss Hill Drive- Intoxicated student transported to Middlesex Health ER by Hunters Ambulance.
1:52am Fire Alarm - Pine Street- Fire Alarm activation due to steam from shower. MFD responded and reset the panel. Boiler room was notified.
2:24am Disturbance - Butterfield Courtyard- Anonymous report of loud people. Officers checked the area with negative findings.
9:51am Fire Panel Trouble - Lawn Avenue- Salafia Electric reported fire panel trouble. Fire panel reading normal upon arrival of Public Safety. Boiler room was notified.
12:47pm Assist - High Street- Student experiencing abdominal pain and vomiting, transported to Middlesex Health ER by Hunter Ambulance.
1:29pm Mechanical Problem-Failure - Cross Street- Employee reported toilet overflowing. U9 was notified.
3:53pm Fire Alarm - William Street- Fire Alarm activation due to cooking. MFD responded and reset the panel. Boiler room was notified.
9:57pm Fire Panel Trouble - Washington Street- Student reported fire panel trouble. Panel read ground fault trouble upon arrival of Public Safety. Boiler room was notified, silenced the panel and placed a work order.
Saturday, 10/12/2024
1:22am Drug Incident - Warren Avenue- Fire Alarm activation due to student smoking marijuana in room. MFD responded and reset the panel. Boiler room was notified.
3:25pm Assist - Foss Hill Drive-Mother unable to contact her son who has a medical condition. Officers made contact with the student and he will call his mother.
7:19pm Disturbance - Fountain Avenue- Lieutenant reported an unregistered party. Officers made contact and shutdown the unregistered party.
7:48pm Fire Alarm - Home Avenue- Fire Alarm activation due to cooking. MFD responded and reset the panel. Boiler room was notified.
11:15pm Vandalism - MoCon Drive- Officers observed students breaking Wesleyan barricades. Students ran into dorm. Officers checked the area, unable to locate the students.
Friday, 10/11/2024
12:04am Fire Alarm - Warren Avenue- Fire Alarm activation due to student using hair dryer. MFD responded and reset the panel.
12:22am Disturbance - Lawn Avenue- Student reported loud music coming from room. Officers spoke with the residents who turned off the music.
12:44am Suspicious Circumstances - Home Avenue- Officer observed vehicle student driving erratic on road. Student was contacted by Public Safety and warned of motor vehicle safety concerns.
1:00am Fire Alarm - Court Street- Fire Alarm activation due to cooking. MFD responded and reset the panel.
1:27am Fire Alarm - College Street- Fire Alarm activation due to vaping. MFD responded and reset the panel.
6:44am Fire Panel Trouble - Lawn Avenue- Salafia Electric reported fire panel trouble. Fire panel reading normal upon arrival of Public Safety. Boiler room was notified.
8:18am Assist - High Street- Employee involved in an accident off campus. MPD notified. Report taken by MPD and Public Safety.
11:06am Suspicious Odor - Court Street- Employee reported the smell of gas. MFD responded. Area was checked by MFD with meters, negative findings.
12:55pm Accident-Fall - Dennison Terrace-Student fell of skateboard sustaining facial and leg injury. Student transported to Middlesex Health ED by Hunters.
8:54pm Fire Panel Trouble - Washington Street- Student reported fire panel trouble. Panel read ground fault trouble upon arrival of Public Safety. Unit 9 was notified, silenced the panel and placed a work order.
9:16pm Fire Panel Trouble - Lawn Avenue- Salafia Electric reported fire panel trouble with a restoral. Panel read normal upon arrival of Public Safety. Unit 9 was notified, silenced the panel and placed a work order.
10:48pm Suspicious Persons - Church Street- Student reported unknown individual entered dorm behind them. Officers made contact with individual who was identified as a students boyfriend.
11:23pm Fire Panel Trouble - Vine Street- Student reported fire panel trouble. Trouble due to faulty smoke head. Boiler room was notified and will address the issue.
Thursday, 10/10/2024
5:34am Fire Panel Trouble - Lawn Avenue- Salafia Electric reported fire panel trouble. Fire panel reading normal upon arrival of Public Safety. Boiler room was notified.
6:24am Fire Alarm - Fountain Avenue- Fire Alarm activation due to unknown cause. MFD responded and reset the panel. Boiler room was notified and will submit a work order.
9:39am Fire Panel Trouble - Wyllys Avenue- Officer reported fire panel trouble. Physical Plant was notified.
10:12am Fire Alarm - Church Street- Fire Alarm activation due to unknown cause. MFD responded and reset the panel. Physical Plant was notified.
2:58pm Larceny-Theft - Wyllys Avenue- Student reported their bike stolen. MPD notified. Report taken by MPD and Public Safety.
3:55pm Fire Panel Trouble - Lawn Avenue- Salafia Electric reported fire panel trouble. Fire panel reading normal upon arrival of Public Safety. Boiler room was notified.
5:57pm Fire Alarm - Lawn Avenue- Fire Alarm activation due to cooking. MFD responded and reset the panel. Physical Plant was notified.
6:23pm Drug Incident - Home Avenue- Drug paraphernalia found during room inspections. Public Safety confiscated items and destroyed them. Report taken.
6:40pm Fire Panel Trouble - Washington Street- Grad Student reported fire panel trouble. Panel trouble was due to cooking. U9 was notified.
9:54pm Disturbance - Home Avenue- Report of a party with a fire pit in yard. Officers made contact with students who turned the music off and put the fire out.
11:02pm Disturbance - Brainard Avenue- Anonymous report of loud people in the Street. Officers checked the area, unfounded.
Wednesday, 10/9/2024
1:03am Fire Alarm - Huber Avenue- Fire Alarm activation due to cooking. MFD responded and reset the panel. Boiler room was notified.
10:42am Informational - Church Street- Employee reported tents and chairs on the roof. Contact made with owner who will remove items.
1:22pm Drug Incident - MoCon Drive- Drug paraphernalia found during room inspections. Public Safety confiscated items and destroyed them. Report taken.
2:46pm Sexual Harassment - Church Street- Report of unknown individual asking inappropriate questions. Officers checked the area with negative findings, individual was GOA. CAPS, MPD offered and declined.
5:42pm Suspicious Person - Wyllys Avenue- Student reported sighting of individual from Sexual Harassment incident earlier in the day. Officers made contact with individual who was a staff member and not the same individual from earlier in the day.
9:09pm Suspicious Vehicles - Long Lane- Officer reported a vehicle parked hidden behind fence. Officer made contact with occupants, 2 Non-Wesleyan individuals who left the area without incident.
Tuesday, 10/8/2024
6:31am Assist - Off Campus- Unknown male requested help from Officers after falling off campus. MPD and Medical Services dispatched.
7:03am Fire Panel Trouble - Cross Street- Salafia Electric reported fire panel trouble. Officer unable to make entry to residence due to a pet inside. Physical Plant was notified.
1:39pm Larceny-Theft - Church Street- Student reported theft of clothes. MPD declined. Report taken by Public Safety.
2:12pm Mental Health-Assist - Huber Avenue- Student experiencing mental health crisis. Protocol notified. Student was evaluated and cleared by protocol.
2:19pm Informational - Foss Hill Drive- RA found fake ID during room inspections. ID was confiscated by Public Safety Officer.
4:21pm Fire Alarm - Foss Hill Drive- Fire Alarm activation due to unknown cause. MFD responded and reset the panel. U9 was notified.
5:10pm Drug Incident - Cross Street- Drug paraphernalia found during room inspections. Public Safety confiscated items and destroyed them. Report taken.
6:00pm Drug Incident - Fountain Avenue- Drug paraphernalia found during room inspections. Public Safety confiscated items and destroyed them. Report taken.
11:23pm Disturbance - Huber Avenue- Student reported loud music and talking coming from room. Officers made contact with the students and advised them to keep it quiet.
Monday, 10/7/2024
10:47am Informational - High Street- Lieutenant reported posters placed on building door windows around the area. Posters removed from the door windows.
3:09pm Larceny-Theft - High Street- Construction worker reported locks broken, tools and copper were taken. Report taken by MPD and Public Safety.
5:40pm Fire Alarm - Cross Street- Fire Alarm activation due to cooking. MFD responded and reset the panel. U9 was notified.
6:54pm Fire Alarm - William Street- Fire Alarm activation due to cooking. MFD responded and reset the panel. U9 was notified.
8:08pm Fire Alarm - Huber Avenue- Student reported smell of burning plastic in building and activated pull station. MFD responded, determined smell was coming from new shower curtain. MFD reset the panel. U9 was notified.
8:25pm Assist - High Street- Student experiencing vomiting, transported to Middlesex Health ER by Hunter Ambulance.
Sunday, 10/6/2024
12:48am Alcohol - Lawn Avenue- Intoxicated student transported to Middlesex Health ER by Hunters Ambulance.
1:16am Disturbance - Fountain Avenue- Anonymous report of loud music/band playing in area. Officers checked the area with negative findings.
12:38pm Mechanical Problem-Failure - Church Street- Student reported water leak from toilet. Boiler room was notified.
2:21am Fire Panel Trouble - Washington Street- Fire Alarm activation due to cooking. MFD responded and reset the panel. Boiler room was notified,
2:36pm Assist - Cross Street- Student injured knee, transported to Middlesex Health ER by Hunter Ambulance.
11:39pm Suspicious Odor - William Street- Student reported the smell of gas. MFD responded. Area was checked by MFD with meters, negative findings. Boiler room was notified.
Saturday, 10/5/2024
1:23am Fire Panel Trouble - Fountain Avenue- Central Dispatch reported fire panel trouble. Panel trouble was due to cooking. Boiler room was notified and placed a work order.
9:14am Fire Panel Trouble - Washington Street- Student reported fire panel trouble. U9 notified.
10:25am Suspicious Circumstances - Huber Manor- Report of students trying to break into trailer. MPD declined. Report taken by Public Safety.
10:58am Fire Panel Trouble - Vine Street- Student reported fire panel trouble. U9 notified.
11:55am Mechanical Problem-Failure - Wyllys Avenue- Staff member reported water leak from toilet. U9 was notified.
2:24pm Fire Panel Trouble - Washington Street- Salafia Electric reported fire panel trouble. Panel trouble was due to cooking. U9 was notified.
6:04pm Fire Alarm - Washington Street- Fire Alarm activation due to cooking. MFD responded and reset the panel. Boiler room was notified,
7:46pm Mechanical Problem-Failure - Lawn Avenue- Student reported smell of sewage coming through vents. Boiler room was notified.
10:20pm Disturbance - Home Avenue- Report of loud music coming from area. Officers checked the area with negative findings.
11:04pm Vandalism - Lon Lane- Officer reported finding fresh spray paint on shed and in building. MPD dispatched to assist with checking area. Officers checked the area with negative findings.
11:57pm Assist - Church Street- Non-Wesleyan individual, friend of student fell and hit her head on Main Street. Medical Services were declined. Hunters Ambulance notified. Individual evaluated by Hunters and signed a refusal.
Friday, 10/4/2024
2:59am Suspicious Circumstances - MoCon Drive- Student reported someone throwing bottles from the balcony with urine in them. Officers checked the area with negative findings. Report taken.
3:28am Fire Alarm - Fountain Avenue- Fire Alarm activation due to unknown cause. MFD responded and reset the panel. Boiler room was notified and will submit a work order.
10:16am Informational - S-Lot- Physical Plant employee reported a verbal altercation with another individual. MPD declined. Report taken by Public Safety.
4:24pk Fire Alarm - Fountain Avenue- Fire Alarm activation due to cooking. MFD responded and reset the panel. U9 was notified.
11:38pm Disturbance - Home Avenue- Anonymous report of loud music and large gathering in area. Officers made contact with the residents who turned the music down and all individuals who left the area.
Thursday, 10/3/2024
1:33am Fire Panel Trouble - Washington Street- Central Dispatch reported fire panel trouble. Fire panel reading normal upon arrival of Public Safety. Boiler room was notified.
3:55pm Assist - High Street- Student fainted possibly due to diabetic incident. Medical Services were declined. Hunters Ambulance notified. Student evaluated by Hunters and signed a refusal.
6:22pm Fire Alarm - Home Avenue- Fire Alarm activation due to steam from shower. MFD responded and reset the panel. U9 was notified.
6:46pm Suspicious Person - Foss Hill Drive- Student reported a suspicious male entering a students room. Officers made contact with individual who was a family member of the student.
7:06pm Fire Alarm - William Street- Fire Alarm activation due to unknown cause. MFD responded and reset the panel. U9 was notified.
6:39pm Check Area - Church Street- Dean of Students was concerned of the wellbeing of a Grad Student. Officers checked the area unable to locate Grad Student.
7:37pm Mechanical Problem-Failure - D-Lot- Officer reported broken lid to electrical box. Officer coned off the area. U9 was notified,
9:44pm Fire Panel Trouble - Washington Street- Central Dispatch reported fire panel trouble. Panel trouble was due to cooking. U9 notified and acknowledged the panel.
Wednesday, 10/2/2024
12:00am Disturbance - Lawn Avenue- Anonymous report of loud people and music. Officers checked the area and determined the noise was coming from the dining hall.
7:16am Fire Alarm - Washington Terrace- Fire Alarm activation due to electrical sparks coming from machine. MFD responded and reset the panel. Physical Plant was notified and will work on issue.
10:18am Fire Alarm - Wyllys Avenue- Fire Alarm activation due to contractors working in area. MFD responded and the panel was reset. Physical Plant was notified.
6:02pm Fire Alarm - Lawn Avenue- Fire Alarm activation due to cooking. MFD responded and reset the panel. U9 was notified.
6:25pm Fire Alarm - Fountain Avenue- Fire Alarm activation due to cooking. MFD responded and reset the panel. U9 was notified.
11:17pm Suspicious Vehicles - High Street- Student reported suspicious vehicle circling the area. CAPS was declined. Report taken by Public Safety.
11:58pm Fire Alarm - Cross Street- Fire Alarm activation due to smoke from marijuana. MFD responded and reset the panel. Boiler room was notified.
Tuesday, 10/1/2024
1:15pm Chalking - Wyllys Avenue- Public Safety Officer reported chalking. Physical Plant notified for removal.
5:05pm Fire Alarm - William Street- Fire Alarm activation due to blow dryer. MFD responded and reset the panel.
6:22pm Assist - Long Lane- Student dislocated shoulder, transported to Middlesex Health ER by Hunter Ambulance.
7:27pm Drug Incident - William Street- Drug paraphernalia found during room inspections. Public Safety confiscated items and destroyed them. Report taken.
7:56pm Informational - Brainard Avenue- Report of vehicle driving through area erratically. Officers checked the area, vehicle was GOA. MPD notified.
10:05pm Mechanical Problem-Failure - Cross Street- Student reported rust in the shower. U9 was notified, placed a work order and shut the bathroom down.
11:03pm Fire Panel Trouble - Fountain Avenue- Central Dispatch reported fire panel trouble. Panel trouble was due to cooking. U9 notified and acknowledged the panel.
Monday, 9/30/2024
3:15am Burglary - Washington Street- Officer reported seeing individuals enter a vehicle. Individuals fled the area. MPD notified. MPD tracked with K9, negative results. Report taken by MPD and Public Safety. Officers recovered stolen items in the area.
3:51am Fire Panel Trouble - Foss Hill Drive- Central Dispatch reported fire panel trouble. Fire panel reading normal upon arrival of Public Safety. Boiler room was notified.
7:48am Assist - Foss Hill Drive- Student cut finger while using a box cutter transported to Middlesex Health ER by Hunters Ambulance.
10:24am Fire Alarm - Home Avenue- Fire Alarm activation due to steam from shower. MFD responded and reset the panel. Physical Plant was notified.
2:16pm Fire Alarm - Court Street- Fire Alarm activation due to steam from shower. MFD responded and reset the panel. Physical Plant was notified.
4:37pm Assist - Foss Hill Drive- Student experiencing allergic reaction. Student walked to health center on his own. Report taken by Public Safety.
5:51pm Mechanical Problem-Failure - Church Street- Student reported closet in his room broken. U9 was notified and placed a work order.
6:26pm Fire Alarm - William Street- Fire Alarm activation due to cooking. MFD responded and reset the panel. U9 was notified.
Sunday, 9/29/2024
12:07am Disturbance - Fountain Avenue- Student reported hearing loud music and people. Officers checked the area with negative findings.
12:25pm Fire Alarm - Court Street- Fire Alarm activation due to smoke from marijuana. MFD responded and reset the panel. Boiler room was notified.
7:16pm Sexual Harassment - Church Street- Student reported being sexually harassed by another student. MPD and CAPS declined. Report taken by Public Safety.
7:24pm Fire Alarm - Pine Street- Fire Alarm activation due to cooking. MFD responded and reset the panel. Boiler room was notified.
Saturday, 9/28/2024
1:21am Mental Health-Assist - Church Street- Student experiencing mental health crisis. Protocol notified. Student was evaluated and cleared by protocol.
2:00am Alcohol - Home Avenue- Intoxicated student transported to Middlesex Health ER by Hunters Ambulance.
8:58am Disturbance - William Street- Report of students being loud and having a party. Officers made contact with the students who went inside.
9:41am Disturbance - Fountain Avenue- Report of students being loud and having a party. Officers made contact with the students who lowered the volume and went inside .
1:09pm Assist - Andrus Field- Central dispatch reported individual experiencing medical emergency. Medical Services dispatched. Individual evaluated by Hunters and signed a refusal.
3:46pm Mechanical Problem-Failure - High Street- Student reported leak coming from 2nd floor. Boiler room was notified and placed a work order.
6:20pm Off Campus Medical Transport - Wyllys Avenue- Student experiencing stomach pain transported to Middlesex Health ER by Public Safety.
9:39pm Assist - Foss Hill Drive- Student feeling sick. Medical Services were declined. Hunters Ambulance notified. Student evaluated by Hunters and signed a refusal.
11:08pm Fire Panel Trouble - Lawn Avenue- Salafia Electric reported fire panel trouble. Fire panel reading normal upon arrival of Public Safety. Boiler room was notified.
11:08pm Suspicious Circumstances - Church Street- Student reported individual yelling slurs and threatening him. MPD and CAPS declined. Report taken by Public Safety.
11:21pm Disturbance - Brainard Avenue- Report of loud noise in area. Officers made contact with students who turned the music down.
Friday, 9/27/2024
12:19am Disturbance - Home Avenue- Anonymous report of individuals outside being loud. Officers checked the area with negative findings.
12:23am Informational - Huber Avenue- Manager reported employee refusing to leave, threatening, cursing and yelling. Employee left willingly upon arrival of Public Safety.
12:51am Disturbance - Home Avenue- Anonymous report of individuals outside being loud. Officers checked the area with negative findings.
3:40am Fire Panel Trouble - Church Street- Central Dispatch reported fire panel trouble. Fire panel reading normal upon arrival of Public Safety. Boiler room was notified.
8:34pm Assist - Church Street- Student was involved in a motor vehicle accident. No injuries reported. Report taken by MPD and Public Safety.
10:56pm Mechanical Problem-Failure - Washington Terrace- Staff member reported leak from wall. Boiler room was notified and placed a work order.
Thursday, 9/26/2024
2:56pm Assist - High Street- Student experienced a ankle injury transported to Health Center by Public Safety.
4:18pm Fire Alarm - Pine Street- Fire Alarm activation due to smoke head malfunction. MFD responded and reset the panel. U9 was notified.
5:25pm Fire Alarm - Fountain Avenue- Fire Alarm activation due to cooking. MFD responded and reset the panel. U9 was notified.
6:07pm Fire Alarm - Home Avenue- Fire Alarm activation due to cooking. MFD responded and reset the panel. U9 was notified.
6:30pm Informational - High Street- Fake ID confiscated by Public Safety. Report Taken.
7:20pm Fire Panel Trouble - Lawn Avenue- Salafia Electric reported fire panel trouble. Fire panel reading normal upon arrival of Public Safety. U9 was notified.
8:01pm Fire Alarm - Brainard Avenue- Fire Alarm activation due to aerosol hairspray. MFD responded and reset the panel. U9 was notified.
8:07pm Fire Alarm - William Street- Fire Alarm activation due to cooking. MFD responded and reset the panel. U9 was notified.
8:37pm Fire Alarm - Fountain Avenue- Fire Alarm activation due to steam from shower. MFD responded and reset the panel. U9 was notified.
9:09pm Fire Alarm - Fountain Avenue- Fire Alarm activation due to unknown cause. MFD responded and reset the panel. U9 was notified.
10:04pm Fire Alarm - Cross Street- Fire Alarm activation due to steam from shower. MFD responded and reset the panel. U9 was notified.
10:20pm Fire Alarm - Fountain Avenue- Fire Alarm activation due to smoke head malfunction. MFD responded and reset the panel. U9 was notified and placed a work order.
10:56pm Fire Panel Trouble - Foss Hill Drive- Central Dispatch reported fire panel trouble. Fire panel reading normal upon arrival of Public Safety. Boiler room was notified.
11:18pm Disturbance - Foss Hill Drive- Student reported individuals being loud in area. Officers checked the area, unfounded.
11:22pm Fire Alarm - Fountain Avenue- Fire Alarm activation due to smoke head malfunction. MFD responded, unable to reset the panel. Public Safety conducted fire watch until Siemens arrived to service panel.
Wednesday, 9/25/2024
12:02am Disturbance - Foss Hill Drive- Student reported someone in area speaking loudly through speakers and yelling. Officers checked the area, unfounded.
10:00am Assist - Court Street- Non-Wesleyan individual was transported to Middlesex Health ER by Hunters Ambulance after fainting in building.
11:41am Drug Incident - High Street- RA reported seeing drug activity in common room area. Officers checked the area with negative findings. Report taken.
1:04pm Fire Incident-Other - Wyllys Avenue- Bon Apetit employee reported using chemical extinguisher on grease fire earlier in the morning. Physical Plant was notified.
4:25pm Suspicious Circumstances - High Street- Non-Wesleyan individual reported seeing a suspicious male on a Wesleyan property earlier in the day. MPD declined. Report taken by Public Safety.
7:36pm Fire Alarm - William Street- Fire Alarm activation due to cooking. MFD responded and reset the panel. U9 was notified.
11:31pm Fire Panel Trouble - Fountain Avenue- Central Dispatch reported fire panel trouble. Panel trouble was due to cooking. Boiler room notified and acknowledged the panel.
Tuesday, 9/24/2024
2:04am Suspicious Person - Church Street- Student reported individual behind building smoking and staring at her. Officers checked the area made contact with individual who was a student. Report taken.
6:08am Fire Panel Trouble - Washington Terrace- Officer reported fire panel trouble. Boiler room was notified, silenced panel and will submit a work order.
12:49pm Fire Alarm - Broad Street- Fire Alarm activation due to contractors working in area. MFD responded and the panel was reset. Physical Plant was notified.
1:27pm Assist - Cross Street- Student injured toe while dancing. transported to Middlesex Health ER by Hunters Ambulance.
4:24pm Fire Panel Trouble - Church Street- Central Dispatch reported fire panel trouble. Fire panel reading normal upon arrival of Public Safety. Physical Plant was notified.
5:57pm Fire Panel Trouble - Church Street- Officer reported fire panel trouble. Trouble due to student tampering with smoke detector. U9 was notified.
7:39pm Fire Alarm - Pearl Street- Fire Alarm activation due to steam from shower. MFD responded and reset the panel. U9 was notified.
Monday, 9/23/2024
12:39pm Fire Alarm - Cross Street- Fire Alarm activation due to contractors working in area. MFD responded and the panel was reset. Physical Plant was notified.
3:02pm Fire Alarm - Lawn Avenue- Fire Alarm activation due to burnt popcorn. MFD responded and reset the panel. Boiler room was notified.
5:12pm Suspicious Circumstances - Cross Street- Student reported being approached by an unknown individual who offered her a job bartending. She declined the offer and left the area. MPD declined.
7:28pm Informational - High Street- Fake ID confiscated by Public Safety. Report Taken.
10:12pm Fire Panel Trouble - Washington Terrace- Student reported Fire Panel Trouble. U9 was notified and reset the panel.
11:27pm Disturbance - Lawn Avenue- RA reported students outside talking loudly. Officers checked the area with negative findings.
Sunday, 9/22/2024
12:27am Disturbance - Home Avenue- Report of individuals being loud in the area. Officers made contact with the individuals who left the area.
12:44am Check Area - High Street- Shuttle driver reported 5 individuals sitting in roadway. Upon arrival of Public Safety all individuals were on the sidewalk.
1:41am Alcohol - Huber Avenue- Intoxicated student transported to Middlesex Health ER by Hunters Ambulance.
2:49am Suspicious Circumstances - Washington Street- Student reported 3 individuals wearing hoods, masks and blue latex gloves in the area. Officers checked the area, unfounded.
10:19am Hate Crime - Long Lane- Student reported racist character attached to tree. Officers removed the item, offered services to the students and they declined. Report taken by Public Safety.
3:24pm Vandalism - Fountain Avenue- Student reported vandalism to exterior of building. Boiler room was notified and placed a work order.
8:34pm Check Area - Foss Hill Drive- Student reported someone in area screaming. Officers checked the area, unfounded.
8:40pm Fire Panel Trouble - Fountain Avenue - Panel trouble due to student cooking. Boiler room responded and reset the panel.
9:02pm Fire Alarm - Fairview Avenue- Fire Alarm activation due to cooking. MFD responded and reset the panel. Boiler room was notified.
10:42pm Social Event Violation - Fountain Avenue- Report of an unregistered party. Unknown students were observed throwing glass bottles in the street. Officers made contact and shutdown the unregistered party, all non-residents left the area.
11:25pm Suspicious Circumstances - Pine Street- Student reported possible break in attempt. Officers checked the area, unfounded. MPD was declined.
Saturday, 9/21/2024
12:05am Fire Alarm - High Street- Fire Alarm activation due to unknown cause. MFD responded and reset the panel. Boiler room was notified.
12:31am Disturbance - Home Avenue- Anonymous report of loud people in back yard. Officers made contact with students who went inside.
12:36am Alcohol - Church Street- Intoxicated student transported to Middlesex Health ER by Hunters Ambulance.
1:06am Disturbance - Fountain Avenue- Anonymous report of loud music and people. Officers made contact with students who turned the music down.
9:47am Fire Panel Trouble - Cross Street- Central Dispatch reported fire panel trouble. Fire panel reading normal upon arrival of Public Safety. Boiler room was notified.
10:48am Fire Alarm - Home Avenue- Fire Alarm activation due to steam from shower. MFD responded and reset the panel. U9 was notified.
11:09am Fire Alarm - Cross Street- Fire Alarm activation due to steam from shower. MFD responded and reset the panel. U9 was notified.
12:02pm Fire Alarm - Lawn Avenue- Fire Alarm activation due to cooking. MFD responded and reset the panel. U9 was notified.
12:19pm Vandalism - Church Street- Public Safety Lieutenant reported writing on lamp post. Physical Plant notified for removal.
2:20pm Off Campus Medical Transport - Foss Hill Drive- Ill student transported to Middlesex Urgent Care by Public Safety.
8:33pm Larceny-Theft - V-Lot- Student reported vehicle broken into. Change and phone charger were taken. MPD declined.
9:40pm Fire Alarm - Church Street- Fire Alarm activation due to student smoking marijuana. MFD responded and reset the panel. Boiler room was notified.
9:51pm Disturbance - Fountain Avenue- Student reported loud music coming from area. Officers made contact with students who were advised to turn the music down.
10:09pm Property Damage - Andrus Field- Officer reported railing fell off bleachers. Athletics was notified.
11:02pm Fire Alarm - College Street- Fire Alarm activation due to steam from shower. MFD responded and reset the panel. U9 was notified.
11:04pm Assist - Cross Street- Visiting football team reported Wesleyan Hockey team getting rowdy with his team. Officers checked the area, unfounded.
11:32pm Disturbance - Court Street- Employee reported someone yelling out the apartment window. Officers made contact with another employee who was on their phone. He closed his window and will speak quieter,
Friday, 9/20/2024
12:13am Failure to Cooperate - Huber Avenue- Staff reported intoxicated student yelling and being loud. Officers made contact with student who continued being loud and uncooperative. MPD notified. Student left the area and walked home. Report taken by MPD and Public Safety.
12:19am Disturbance - Foss Hill Drive- Anonymous report of loud music/loud voices. Officers made contact with students who agreed to keep the noise down.
6:05am Fire Panel Trouble - High Street- Central Dispatch reported fire panel trouble. Fire panel read 1st floor pull station upon arrival of Public Safety. Boiler room was notified. Panel reset itself, Boiler room will place a work order placed.
7:21am Burglary - Vine Street- Employee reported unknown individual broke into house and stole tools. MPD notified. Report taken by MPD and Public Safety.
12:04pm Civil Disturbance - High Street- Employee reported banner placed out window. Officers made contact with a group of students who refused to leave. MPD notified. Students agreed to leave the area, none were charged. Report taken by MPD and Public Safety.
1:45pm Suspicious Person - High Street- Staff member reported Non-Wesleyan individual went to event for food. Report taken.
1:45pm Suspicious Persons - William Street- Student reported a woman knocked on her door and asked for help with court papers. She did not enter apartment and left the area. Individual was gone on officers arrival.
3:35pm Larceny-Theft - High Street- Student reported her bag was taken. MPD was offered and declined. Student reported she found her bag later in the evening.
4:14pm Fire Alarm - Fountain Avenue- Fire Alarm activation due to cooking. MFD responded and reset the panel. U9 was notified.
5:47pm Chalking - Wyllys Avenue- Public Safety Officer reported chalking. Physical Plant notified for removal.
8:46pm Fire Alarm - Home Avenue- Fire Alarm activation due to steam from shower. MFD responded and reset the panel. Boiler room was notified.
9:08pm Unauthorized Presence - Andrus Field- Report of individuals playing frisbee on field. Officer made contact they left the area without incident.
9:58pm Accident-Fall - Lawn Avenue- Student fell injuring ankle. Student was transported to Middlesex Health ER by Hunters Ambulance.
Thursday, 9/19/2024
12:14am Disturbance - Foss Hill Drive - Report of loud talking. Contact made with student who said they were going to sleep.
6:07am Chalking - Wyllys Avenue - Officer reported chalking. Pictures taken and Physical Plant notified for clean up.
8:22am Suspicious Person - Pine Street - Report of suspicious individual in area. Contact made and individual warned off campus.
9:28am Fire Alarm - High Street - Alarm activation due to steam from shower. System reset.
9:54 am Property Damage - D Lot - Staff member reported damage to staircase railing. Physical Plant notified.
10:09am Suspicious Person - Lawn Avenue - A report of an individual sleeping on couch. Individual left the area but found to be a student.
11:46am Larceny - Wyllys Avenue - Student reported a missing package from first floor of Usdan. MPD was declined.
11:53 am Fire Alarm - Foss Hill Drive - Report of fire alarm. Physical Plant notified. System reset.
7:56pm Alcohol - Wyllys Avenue - Report of individuals walking around with alcohol. Unfounded, nobody with open containers of alcohol observed.
8:17pm Fire Panel Trouble - Fountain Avenue - Panel trouble due to student cooking. Unit 9 responded and reset the panel.
11:05pm Disturbance - Foss Hill Drive - Report of students being loud in the courtyard. Group dispersed upon arrival of Public Safety.
Wednesday, 9/18/2024
12:03am Fire Panel Trouble - Vine Street- Student reported fire panel trouble. Trouble due to faulty smoke head. Boiler room was notified.
5:05pm Fire Alarm - William Street- Fire Alarm activation due to cooking. MFD responded and reset the panel. U9 was notified.
6:34pm Fire Alarm - Pearl Street- Fire Alarm activation due to cooking. MFD responded and reset the panel. U9 was notified.
8:26pm Fire Alarm - Church Street- Fire Alarm activation due to unknown cause. MFD responded and reset the panel. U9 was notified.
Tuesday, 9/17/2024
4:40am Fire Panel Trouble - Foss Hill Drive- Central Dispatch reported fire panel trouble. Fire panel reading basement floor smoke and CO detector issue upon arrival of Public Safety. Boiler Room notified, acknowledged the panel and placed work order.
10:17am Assist - Church Street- Employee injured back transported to Middlesex Health ER by Hunter Ambulance.
1:22pm Fire Alarm - Home Avenue- Fire Alarm activation due to cooking. MFD responded and reset the panel.
1:35pm Suspicious Person - High Street- Student reported unknown male harassing her and taking pictures, Individual was gone upon Officers arrival. MPD and CAPS declined.
5:22pm Accident-Motor Vehicle - A-Lot- Unknown person backed into employees vehicle. MPD declined. Report taken by Public Safety.
8:11pm Fire Alarm - Home Avenue- Fire Alarm activation due to steam from shower. MFD responded and reset the panel. U9 was notified.
9:20pm Assist - Cross Street- Student injured finger while working out. Report taken by Public Safety.
11:03pm Fire Panel Trouble - Vine Street- Student reported fire panel trouble. Trouble due to faulty smoke head. Boiler room was notified and will submit a work order.
Monday, 9/16/2024
5:58am Suspicious Circumstances - Huber Avenue- Student reported someone was trying to gain access to her room. Officers checked the area, nothing found. Report taken by Public Safety.
5:16pm Fire Alarm - Fountain Avenue- Fire Alarm activation due to cooking. MFD responded and reset the panel. U9 was notified.
Sunday, 9/15/2024
12:40am Alcohol - Foss Hill Drive- Mother of student requested well being check on her daughter who was intoxicated and vomiting. Also suffers from seizures. Officers made contact, student was sleeping and was conscious and alert. Student called her mother back.
1:09am Disturbance - William Street- Anonymous report of music playing outside. Officers made contact with students who went inside.
2:48am Mechanical Problem-Failure - High Street- Student reported burst pipe which caused the fire panel trouble. Boiler room notified. Boiler room shut the water off, placed a work order and reset the panel. SMG notified for clean up.
11:15am Fire Alarm - Vine Street- Fire Alarm activation due to hair spray and curling iron. MFD responded and reset the panel. U9 was notified.
3:05pm Fire Alarm - Pearl Street- Fire Alarm activation due to CO detector/cooking. MFD responded and reset the panel. U9 was notified.
7:20pm Assist - Washington Terrace- Report of tractor trailer hitting students parked vehicle and leaving the scene. Student and MPD notified. Report taken by MPD and Public Safety.
8:16pm Informational - Lawn Avenue- Report of unknown individual crawling under construction site gate. Officers checked the area, unfounded. Physical Plant was notified.
10:52pm Fire Alarm - High Street- Fire Alarm activation due to water in pull station. MFD responded and reset the panel. Boiler room was notified and will place work order.
Saturday, 9/14/2024
12:19am Alcohol - Huber Avenue- Intoxicated student transported to Middlesex Health ER by Hunters Ambulance.
12:37am Alcohol - Fountain Avenue- Intoxicated student transported to Middlesex Health ER by Hunters Ambulance.
12:42am Suspicious Circumstances - Lawn Avenue- Anonymous report of individual throwing apples from the roof. Officers checked the area, unfounded.
2:42am Assist - Broad Street- Officer reported Non-Wesleyan individual passed out in vehicle. MPD notified. Report taken by MPD and Public Safety.
7:55am Fire Alarm - Fountain Avenue- Fire Alarm activation due to cooking. MFD responded and reset the panel.
10:08am Fire Alarm - High Street- Fire Alarm activation due to cooking. MFD responded and reset the panel. U9 was notified.
2:14pm Mechanical Problem-Failure - Foss Hill Drive- Student reported water leak in apartment. U9 was notified. SMG notified for clean up.
3:04pm Assist - Washington Street- Student reported individuals in vehicle yelling at each other. Vehicle left the area prior to Officers arrival. Report taken.
7:29pm Fire Alarm - Lawn Avenue- Fire Alarm activation due to cooking. MFD responded and reset the panel. Boiler room was notified.
11:41pm Fire Alarm - Fountain Avenue- Fire Alarm activation due to unknown cause. MFD responded and reset the panel. Boiler room was notified and will place a work order.
Friday, 9/13/2024
12:06am Assist - Off Campus- Student filed a complaint with MPD against Mezzos for underage drinking. Report taken.
1:14am Trespass - Church Street- Non-Wesleyan individual trying to gain access to retrieve items from locked locker. Boiler room responded, cut the lock off the locker. MPD responded. Report taken by MPD and Public Safety.
11:17am Assist - Brainard Avenue- Property owner reported seeing three individuals on his property, owner observed them on his cameras from Florida. MPD responded. Report taken by MPD and Public Safety.
3:07pm Suspicious Person - William Street- Student reported past suspicious person. Individual observed on the exterior of the unit on Thursday evening. Report taken by Public Safety.
5:12pm Fire Panel Trouble - Brainard Avenue- Salafia Electric reported fire panel trouble. Fire panel read smoke trouble upon arrival of Public Safety. U9 was notified.
6:51pm Suspicious Person - Brainard Avenue- Student reported individual in backyards. Individual was gone on officers arrival.
10:00pm Fire Panel Trouble - Fountain Avenue- Central Dispatch reported fire panel trouble. Panel trouble was due to cooking. U9 notified and acknowledged the panel.
11:06pm Disturbance - Fountain Avenue- Anonymous report of loud music in area. Officers checked the area located the source. Contact was made with residents, the unregistered party was shutdown, all non-residents left the area.
11:28pm Alcohol - Lawn Avenue- Intoxicated student transported to Middlesex Health ER by Hunters Ambulance.
11:58pm Drug Incident - Foss Hill Drive- Student reported someone smoking marijuana in area. Officers checked the area with negative findings. Report taken.
Thursday, 9/12/2024
1:57am Disturbance - Foss Hill Drive- Student reported loud noise/talking. Officers checked the area with negative findings.
11:59am Assist - Wyllys Avenue- Student experienced a seizure transported to Middlesex Health ER by Hunter Ambulance.
4:43pm Disturbance - Foss Hill- Student reported individual in truck shouting at students. Individual was gone on officers arrival.
8:15pm Suspicious Circumstances - Foss Hill- RA reported white powder substance on floor. Officers checked the area and determined substance to be laundry detergent. SMG notified for clean up.
9:04pm Suspicious Motor Vehicle - Church Street- Student reported car driving around harassing students. MPD notified. Officers canvassed the area located the vehicle, MPD warned individuals not to return to campus. Report taken by MPD and Public Safety.
10:19pm Suspicious Person - William Street- Student reported individual entered residence through backdoor and went into restroom. Individual was gone upon Officers arrival. MPD and CAPS declined.
10:41pm Disturbance - Lawn Avenue- Staff reported group of students singing and dancing on sidewalk. Officers checked the area with negative findings.
11:55pm Burglary - Foss Hill Drive- Student reported individual entered room through unlocked door and rummaged through dresser. Individual fled the area. MPD notified. Report taken by MPD and Public Safety. CAPS declined.
Wednesday, 9/11/2024
5:11pm Disturbance - Foss Hill Drive- Student reported Ice Cream truck in area playing music. Officers checked the area with negative findings.
5:33pm Suspicious Circumstances - Fountain Avenue- Student reported finding old sneakers and a sweatshirt on their porch. CAPS offered and declined. Report taken by Public Safety.
7:39pm Informational - Washington Street- Sister of student reported student was approached by an alleged student who made her feel uncomfortable asking personal questions. MPD notified. Report taken by MPD and Public Safety. Student put in contact with protocol.
7:56pm Hate Crime - Foss Hill Drive- Student reported swastika carved into wall. Up notified and removed the carving. U9 placed a work order to have the area repainted.
11:30pm Disturbance - Fountain Avenue- Report of party/loud noise in area. Officers checked the area, unfounded.
Tuesday, 9/10/2024
1:21am Fire Panel Trouble - Home Avenue- Salafia Electric reported fire panel trouble. Fire panel read smoke heat sensor 06 needs to be replaced upon arrival of Public Safety. Boiler room was notified. Boiler room unable to reset panel, work order placed.
10:56am Fire Panel Trouble - Warren Avenue- Officer reported fire panel trouble. Fire panel reading power supply battery charger upon arrival of Public Safety. Physical Plant was notified.
1:25pm Missing Person - Court Street- Alumnus reported her partner with Alzheimer's missing. Public Safety located individual on High Street. Both Individuals were reunited and given a ride to the Inn at Middletown by Public Safety.
4:00pm Assist - Foss Hill Drive- Student reported receiving excessive calls, texts and threats from ex girlfriend. Student spoke with CAPS. MPD was declined.
8:42pm Check Area - Washington Terrace- Staff member reported hearing person screaming. Officers checked the area with negative results.
8:49pm Fire Panel Trouble - Wyllys Avenue- Central Dispatch reported fire panel trouble. Fire panel reading normal upon arrival of Public Safety. U9 was notified.
9:25pm Suspicious Vehicles - Church Street- Student reported vehicle holding object out the window playing gunshot noises. MPD notified. Officers canvassed the area with negative results. Report taken by MPD and Public Safety.
11:22pm Suspicious Circumstances - William Street- Student reported individual getting out of vehicle and chasing them. Officers made contact with individual who was another student.
Monday, 9/9/2024
4:17pm Fire Panel Trouble - Wyllys Avenue- Central Dispatch reported fire panel trouble. Fire panel reading normal upon arrival of Public Safety.
4:29pm Assist - Church Street- Employee reported Transpiration Van involved in a motor vehicle accident off campus. MPD notified. Report taken by MPD and Public Safety.
6:38pm Fire Alarm - Washington Street- Central Dispatch reported fire panel trouble. Fire panel reading normal upon arrival of Public Safety. U9 was notified.
Sunday, 9/8/2024
12:27am Disturbance - Huber Avenue- Staff reported approximately 20 students being belligerent after being told the kitchen was closed. Officers made contact with students who left the area. Report taken by Public Safety.
1:03am Check Area - Foss Hill Drive- Officer found tunnel door open. Area was checked, and found to be vacant. Door secured.
1:08am Check Area - Washington Street- Student reported hearing clicking and scraping sounds coming from area. Officers checked the area, nothing found. Report taken by Public Safety.
1:35am Disturbance - Home Avenue- Anonymous report of loud people in area. Officers checked the area, unfounded.
2:56am Alcohol - Foss Hill Drive- RA reported intoxicated student in and out of consciousness. Medical Services dispatched. Individual evaluated by Hunters and signed a refusal.
3:38pm Fire Panel Trouble - Huber Avenue- Central Dispatch reported fire panel trouble. Fire panel reading normal upon arrival of Public Safety. Boiler room was notified.
9:24am Property Damage - Wyllys Avenue- Staff reported broken counter top. Physical Plant was notified.
11:53am Fire Panel Trouble - Washington Street- Grad student reported Fire Panel Trouble. Panel reads fire panel trouble. U9 was notified, reset the panel.
12:05pm Mechanical Problem-Failure - Washington Street- Grad student reported water leak. U9 was notified.
12:09pm Mechanical Problem-Failure - Wyllys Avenue- Student reported wire hanging from building. Wire was removed.
1:05pm Assist - Court Street- Student reported Non-Wesleyan individual returned their personal belongings. Student declined MPD and CAPS. Report taken by Public Safety.
4:51pm Larceny-Theft - Washington Terrace- Student reported their bike stolen. Student declined MPD. Report taken by Public Safety.
Saturday, 9/7/2024
2:03am Suspicious Circumstances - Pine Street- Student reported individual attempted to enter residence through bedroom window. Individual was gone upon Officers arrival. MPD notified. MPD tracked with K9, negative results. Report taken by MPD and Public Safety. CAPS declined.
2:42am Burglary - William Street- Student reported individual entered residence through sliding glass door and stole cash from bedroom. Individual fled the area. MPD notified. MPD tracked with K9, negative results. Report taken by MPD and Public Safety. CAPS declined.
3:05am Suspicious Circumstances - Court Street- Student reported individual trying to open window and push the screen in. Incident happened approximately 3 hours earlier. MPD notified. Report taken by MPD and Public Safety. CAPS declined.
4:08am Suspicious Circumstances - Washington Street- Student reported hearing door handle jiggle and what sounded like rocks being thrown at building. Officers checked the area, negative results. Report taken by Public Safety.
9:44am Chalking - Church Street- Public Safety Officer reported chalking. Physical Plant notified for removal.
5:14pm Fire Alarm - Cross Street- Fire Alarm activation due to cooking. MFD responded and reset the panel. U9 was notified.
5:14pm Assist - T-Lot- Non-Wesleyan individual fell in parking lot. Hunters Ambulance notified. Individual evaluated by Hunters and signed a refusal.
5:42pm Fire Panel Trouble - Washington Street- Central Dispatch reported fire panel trouble. Panel trouble was due to cooking. Boiler Room notified and acknowledged the panel.
5:48pm Disturbance - Fountain Avenue- Report of loud music in area. Officers checked the area, to find students playing musical instruments. They agreed to turn the volume down.
5:49pm Disturbance - Brainard Avenue- Report of loud music and people outside. Officers made contact with students who went inside.
9:42pm Fire Alarm - Pearl Street- Fire Alarm activation due to cooking. MFD responded and reset the panel.
11:48pm Accident-Fall - Fountain Avenue- Student fell on the sidewalk hitting the back of her head. She was transported to Middlesex Health ED by Hunters.
Friday, 9/6/2024
8:09am Fire Alarm - Knowles Avenue- Fire Alarm activation due to SMG cleaning the area. MFD responded and reset the panel. Physical Plant was notified.
10:58am Motor Vehicle Accident - Fairview Avenue- Student reported damage to motor vehicle after minor accident. Report taken by Public Safety.
2:11pm Alcohol - Fountain Avenue- Public Safety confiscated unattended keg.
2:51pm Mental Health-Assist - Church Street- CAPS requested a well being check on student who missed appointment. Contact was made with student who was evaluated and cleared by CAPS.
4:04pm Fire Panel Trouble - Wyllys Avenue- Student reported fire panel trouble. Fire panel reading normal upon arrival of Public Safety. Physical Plant was notified.
9:30pm Chalking - Foss Hill Drive- Public Safety Officer reported chalking. Physical Plant notified for cleanup.
10:43pm Alcohol - High Street- Underage student in possession of alcohol. Student dumped the alcohol out. Report taken by Public Safety.
11:43pm Disturbance - William Street- CA reported loud people in area. Officers checked the area, unfounded.
Thursday, 9/5/2024
10:12am Fire Alarm - Fountain Avenue- Fire Alarm activation due to steam from shower. MFD responded and reset the panel. Physical Plant was notified.
3:32pm Mental Health-Assist - Church Street- Student experiencing panic attack transported to Middlesex Health ER by Public Safety.
4:13pm Suspicious Circumstances - Lawn Avenue- Student overheard individual in hall talking about entering students room through a window. Public Safety identified the individual as being U9 working on a stuck window.
5:48pm Motor Vehicle Accident - Long Lane- Parent reported knocking down stop sign. U9 was notified and will place a work order.
7:59pm Fire Panel Trouble - Fountain Avenue- Central Dispatch reported Fire Panel Trouble. Panel reads supervisory due to cooking. U9 was notified, reset the panel and placed a work order.
10:37pm Alcohol - Church Street- Intoxicated student transported to Middlesex Health ER by Hunters Ambulance.
Wednesday, 9/4/2024
7:18am Fire Alarm - Broad Street-Fire Alarm activation due to dust from contractors working in area. MFD responded and the panel was reset.
4:21pm Suspicious Odor - Lawn Avenue- Student reported the smell of gas. MFD responded. Area was checked by MFD with meters, negative findings.
4:35pm Mechanical Problem-Failure - Foss Hill Drive- Student reported water in building.U9 was notified and placed a work order.
6:24pm Fire Alarm - Home Avenue- Fire Alarm activation due to cooking. MFD responded and reset the panel.
7:08pm Fire Alarm - Vine Street- Fire Alarm activation due to cooking. MFD responded and reset the panel. U9 was notified.
7:10pm Fire Alarm - William Street- ire Alarm activation due to cooking. MFD responded and reset the panel. Boiler room was notified.
7:56pm Fire Alarm - Cross Street- Fire Alarm activation due to cooking. MFD responded and reset the panel.
8:09pm Off Campus Medical Transport - Lawn Avenue-Student experiencing fever transported to Middlesex Health ER by Public Safety.
10:17pm Suspicious Circumstances - Church Street- Student reported a verbal altercation that occurred off campus on the city bus. Student declined MPD and CAPS. Report taken by Public Safety.
Tuesday, 9/3/2024
1:04am Mechanical Problem-Failure - Huber Avenue- Student reported sink overflowing. Boiler room was notified and will place a work order. SMG notified for clean up.
2:17am Fire Panel Trouble - Washington Terrace- Central Dispatch reported Fire Panel Trouble. Trouble due to local power outage. Boiler room was notified and placed a work order.
8:50am Assist - Church Street- Student feeling faint and nauseous. Medical Services were declined. Hunters Ambulance notified. Student evaluated by Hunters and signed a refusal.
2:14pm Suspicious Odor - Washington Street- Student reported the smell of gas. MFD responded. Area was checked by MFD with meters, negative findings.
2:20pm Fire Panel Trouble - Church Street- Officer reported Fire Panel Trouble. Physical Plant was notified.
3:21pm Fire Panel Trouble - Foss Hill Drive- Officer reported Fire Panel Trouble. Physical Plant was notified.
4:57pm Suspicious Vehicles - Pine Street- Anonymous caller reported a vehicle driving slowly through campus. Officers checked the area with negative findings. Report taken.
6:39pm Fire Panel Trouble - Washington Terrace- Central Dispatch reported Fire Panel Trouble. U9 was was notified. Trouble was due to local power outage.
6:52pm Fire Alarm - Brainard Avenue- Fire Alarm activation due to cooking. MFD responded and reset the panel. U9 was notified.
8:54pm Off Campus Medical Transport - Mocon Drive- Student experiencing headaches transported to Middlesex Health ER by Public Safety.
10:33pm Mechanical Problem-Failure - Home Avenue- Student reported water leaking from ceiling. U9 was notified and placed a work order.
Monday, 9/2/2024
12:12am Unauthorized Presence - Cross Street- Report of 7 students inside the building. Officers made contact with 2 students in the basketball court, students were escorted out of the building.
12:45am Unauthorized Presence - Cross Street- Report of individual on roof of building. Officers made contact with individuals, individuals left the area.
12:52am Disturbance - Foss Hill Drive- Report of loud music in area. Officers checked the area, unfounded.
1:06am Informational - Lawn Avenue- 2 fake ID's confiscated by Public Safety. Report Taken.
2:27pm Fire Alarm - Vine Street- Fire Alarm activation due to cooking. MFD responded and reset the panel. Physical Plant was notified.
4:51pm Mechanical Problem-Failure - Lawn Avenue- Student reported leaking toilet when flushed. Boiler room was notified. SMG notified for clean up. Boiler room will place a work order.
5:47pm Off Campus Medical Transport - Cross Street- Student injured eardrum while diving transported to Middlesex Health ER by Public Safety.
7:41pm Fire Alarm - Cross Street- Fire Alarm activation due to cooking. MFD responded and reset the panel. Physical Plant was notified.
8:46pm Larceny-Theft - High Street- Student reported their locked bike stolen. MPD declined. Report taken by Public Safety.
11:06pm Disturbance - Lawn Avenue- Report of individuals drinking and smoking in the area. Officers checked the area, unfounded.
11:42pm Suspicious Circumstances - Fountain Avenue- Student reported individual knocking on front door. Individual left the area prior to Public Safety arriving. Student declined MPD and CAPS. Report taken by Public Safety.
Sunday, 9/1/2024
12:06am Social Event Violation - Fountain Avenue- Officer reported an unregistered party. Officers made contact and shutdown the unregistered party, overcapacity, all non-residents left the area.
12:21am Unauthorized Presence - Cross Street- Officer reported students on the roof. Officers made contact with students. Students made it off the roof safely. Report taken.
7:15am Fire Panel Trouble - Huber Avenue- Central Dispatch reported Fire Panel Trouble. Panel reads smoke 2nd floor. The area was checked, smoke detector flashing red. Physical Plant was notified.
8:50am Mechanical Problem-Failure - Washington Terrace- Staff reported water leaking from heater/ac unit. Physical Plant was notified.
9:10am Accident-Motor Vehicle - High Street- Public Safety vehicle involved in a minor accident. Report taken.
2:01pm Drug Incident - MoCon Drive- Student reported someone smoking marijuana in area. Officers checked the area with negative findings. Report taken.
3:21pm Fire Alarm - Fountain Avenue- Fire Alarm activation due to unknown cause. MFD responded and reset the panel. Physical Plant was notified.
3:34pm Fire Alarm - Fountain Avenue - Alarm activation. Unit 9 notified. Smoke detector malfunctioning and will be replaced. MFD cleared.
4:42pm Drug Incident - MoCon Drive - Student reported the smell of marijuana coming from balcony of a room. Contact made with student from suspected room. Officer did not smell the odor of marijuana in room or balcony.
6:43pm Fire Alarm - Pearl Street - Alarm activation due to cooking. MFD and Unit 9 responded. MFD reset the system.
7:27pm Medical Assist - Church Street - Under the direction of the on-call doctor, student with nose bleed transported to Middlesex Health ER by Hunters Ambulance.
8:59pm Fire Alarm - Fountain Avenue - Alarm activation due to cooking. MFD rest the panel.
9:12 pm Fire Alarm - Fountain Avenue - Alarm activation observed by P. S. officer. Boiler Room notified. Fire alarm system malfunctioning. MFD reset panel.
10:14pm Fire Alarm - Fountain Avenue - Anonymous student reported alarm activation due to malfunction of the system. Third time MFD responded due to malfunction. Simplex technician sent out to repair the system. Fire watch conducted until arrival of Simplex.