Dear Families of Students in the Class of 2027:

The winter weather continues in line with the groundhog’s prediction, but the semester is moving quickly forward, with spring break just around the corner from March 8 to 23.

Our students in the class of 2027 are now going through the challenging and exciting decisionmaking process to declare a major and will have an opportunity to delve into their main areas of academic interest in earnest during their next two years at Wesleyan. It is hard to believe that they are already rising juniors. The end of the sophomore year marks a point of transition in their undergraduate academic trajectory, as it is the halfway point of their collegiate career as well as an entrance into their major and academic home. Being assigned a faculty advisor in their major department also provides them with an opportunity to work with a mentor in their field of interest who will guide them as they dive into their major courses.

Whether students are seeking out summer internships or beginning to imagine what their post-Wesleyan careers might look like, the Gordon Career Center team is available to connect with them. This is also an ideal time to consider whether studying abroad would enhance your student’s intellectual and personal growth. A meaningful cross-cultural experience can truly shift students’ understanding of themselves while also sharpening their intercultural expertise and multilingualism in an increasingly interconnected world.

As the spring term moves forward, students will be selecting their courses and housing for the fall term. The planning period will run from April 1 to 14 and students will be able to review their courses on April 15 before Adjustment begins, which will run from April 16 to 22. In terms of housing, General Room Selection will occur in April, but portions of Housing Selection, including the Independent Living Moodle, will open on March 3. Students should pay close attention to their email for important deadlines.

If you sense that your student might benefit from speaking with me, please do not hesitate to reach out. I also regularly update our class blog with different announcements throughout the term.

Take good care and be well,

Jennifer Wood
Dean for the Class of 2027