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Remembering President Emeritus Colin G. Campbell

We are saddened to report the death of President Emeritus Colin G. Campbell, MA ’71, Hon. ’89 at the age of 88. Colin guided Wesleyan through an exceedingly challenging time with great skill and fortitude. For his many contributions to Wesleyan’s growth as a leading liberal arts institution, we acknowledge his passing with gratitude, admiration, and deep respect.

June 22, 2024

Wes in the News

The Review of Democracy

President Michael S. Roth ’78 discussed the history of the student, politicization of U.S. universities, the relationship between university administrators and students, and what “safe enough spaces” could look like in the current climate on The Review of Democracy podcast.


The Supreme Court upheld a Connecticut law, the Violence Against Women Act, restricting access to firearms for those convicted of domestic abuse in an eight to one decision on June 21. Director of the Center for the Study of Guns and Society and Professor of History Jennifer Tucker wrote a piece for CNN outlining the key points in the decision, its significance, and cross-referencing it with historical firearm-related decisions handed out by the court.

In Defense of Democracy

Ian Bassin '98 is the most recent Wes alumnus to be awarded a MacArthur Fellowship for his work at the nonpartisan nonprofit Protect Democracy. Learn how he uses legal strategies such as litigation, legislative work, and research and analysis to hold government officials accountable, push back on disinformation, and safeguard elections.

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