Wesleyan University's Theater Department presents "The Bald Soprano" by Eugène Ionesco April 22-25, 2015

Wesleyan University's Theater Department presents
"The Bald Soprano" by Eugène Ionesco
Wednesday, April 22 through Saturday April 25, 2015
"I started writing for the theatre because I hated it."
About the Production
In one of the seminal plays of Theater of the Absurd, "The Bald Soprano" (1950), Eugène Ionesco reveals the decay of a modern person and the futility of meaningful communication in contemporary society. Inspired by the cliché dialogues between the imaginary Mr. and Mrs. Smith in an English phrasebook for beginners, Mr. Ionesco rejected the coherent plot, character development, and concept of realistic drama, instead creating his own anarchic and grotesque form of comedy to convey the tragedy of language in a universe ruled by chance. In Jean-Paul Sartre’s words, “Ionesco sees our language as if from a distance. He reveals its banality and routine. The reader faces an acute realization of the absurdity of language, to the point when one does not want to speak anymore. His theater is a dream about language.”
Wesleyan University's Theater Department presents Eugène Ionesco’s classic work "The Bald Soprano," directed by Yuri Kordonsky; designed by Jack Carr (set and lights) and Leslie Weinberg (costumes). Performances will take place Wednesday, April 22 through Friday, April 25, 2015 at 8pm; and Saturday, April 25, 2015 at 2pm and 8pm in the Center for the Arts Theater, located at 271 Washington Terrace on the Wesleyan campus in Middletown.
Tickets for "The Bald Soprano are $8 for the general public; $5 for senior citizens, Wesleyan faculty/staff/alumni, and non-Wesleyan students; and $4 for Wesleyan students. Tickets are available online at http://www.wesleyan.edu/boxoffice, by phone at (860) 685-3355, or in person at the Wesleyan University Box Office, located in the Usdan University Center, 45 Wyllys Avenue, Middletown. Tickets may also be purchased at the door beginning one hour prior to the performance, subject to availability. The Center for the Arts accepts cash, checks written to “Wesleyan University”, and all major credit cards. Groups of ten or more may receive a discount – please call (860) 685-3355 for details. No refunds, cancellations, or exchanges.