NuMusWes24: Day III
Sunday, May 12, 2024 at 1:35am
Various locations on the Wesleyan campus, and streaming on YouTube and Zoom.
The third and final day of NuMusWes24 will feature two concerts including a performance by the Wesleyan student group The Disengineering Society and a concluding symposium panel and open discussion.
Concert IV: February 1974 (continued from Saturday, May 11, 2024)
Sunday, May 12, 2024 at 1:35am
World Music Hall and adjoining grounds, 40 Wyllys Avenue
Featuring the work Vespers by the late John Spencer Camp Professor of Music Emeritus Alvin Lucier (1931–2021) performed by Shawn O’Sullivan, McKenna Blackshire ’25, Oliver Buten ’27, Minyoung Huh ’25, Henry McBride ’24, Ford McDill ’25, graduate music student Emma Mistele, Adelina Rodriguez ’24, Norman Slate ’25, Ryan Steinbach ’27, Nathan Hausspiegel ’24, Aidan Jelveh ’24, and many special guests. Stream on YouTube.
John Cage’s Empty Words as spoken/sung by Stuart Wheeler MA ’21 will continue with “Lecture III” from 2:02am to 5:32am. The sound of Middletown as heard from the third floor of the Alsop House accompanies this reading. Stream on YouTube.
Cage’s Empty Words concludes with “Lecture IV” from 6:02am to 7:32am. Stream on YouTube.
Symposium: Panel V
Sunday, May 12, 2024 at 11am
Frank Center for Public Affairs, Room 100, 238 Church Street
Attend on Zoom
Featuring presentations by Yvon Bonenfant MA ’02 “From Ice Batons to Resonant Tails: Staging the Participatory Extended Voice on the Fringe of the Conceptual,” Chris Riggs MA ’12 “Making music in the schools of Chicago’s south side,” and Dina Maccabee MA ’15 “Zen and the Art of Technical Support (an FAQ).”
Symposium: Musings and Missing Threads
Sunday, May 12, 2024 at 1pm
Frank Center for Public Affairs, Room 100, 238 Church Street
Attend on Zoom
The symposium will conclude with an open discussion of the weekend’s events and an oral examination for Wesleyan’s composition program.
Concert V: The Disengineering Forum
Sunday, May 12, 2024 at 3pm
World Music Hall, 40 Wyllys Avenue
Stream on YouTube
The weekend’s closing concert will feature the Wesleyan student group The Disengineering Society. The group will present original compositions for handmade electronic instruments of their own design and construction, composed and performed by McKenna Blackshire ’25, Oliver Buten ’27, Minyoung Huh ’25, Aidan Jelveh ’24, Henry McBride ’24, Ford McDill ’25, graduate student Emma Mistele, Shawn O’Sullivan, Adelina Rodriguez ’24, Norman Slate ’25, Ryan Steinbach ’27, and Nathan Hausspiegel ’24, with the guidance of Lily Edelman ’24 and Sam Boston ’25.
View or download program with notes.
Images (from left): John Cage at Wesleyan, detail of Anthony Braxton’s Syntactical Ghost Trance Music No. 254, Alvin Lucier with Wesleyan Javanese Gamelan Ensemble