NuMusWes24: Day I
Friday, May 10, 2024 at 4:00pm
Various locations on the Wesleyan campus, and streaming on YouTube.
The first day of NuMusWes24 will feature opening remarks and two concerts including performances by Wesleyan’s Collegium Musicum, Javanese Gamelan Ensemble, and Experi-Pop Guitar Ensemble.
Concert I: A Wesleyan Renaissance in Choral Music by Richard K. Winslow
Friday, May 10, 2024 at 4pm
Entrance of Olin Memorial Library, 252 Church Street
Wesleyan’s Collegium Musicum performs works by the late John Spencer Camp Professor of Music Emeritus Richard K. Winslow ’40, Hon ’10, P ’71, GP ’23 (1918–2017) under the direction of Jane Alden, Professor of Music, and Chair and Professor of Medieval Studies. The concert will include Three Haiku by Matsuo Basho (1971) with Ralph Samuelson MA ’71 on shakuhachi (bamboo, end-blown flute), No Man is an Island (1961), Let’s touch the sky (e.e. cummings) (1966), This is Just to Say (William Carlos Williams) (1985/9), The Red Wheelbarrow (William Carlos Williams) (1983), Prelude to Psalm Set (1992), and Amen (1970).
Opening Remarks
Friday, May 10, 2024 at 4:30pm
Frank Center for Public Affairs, Room 100, 238 Church Street
Open House, Exhibition, Installations: Composers in the Collections
Friday, May 10, 2024 from 4:45pm to 6pm
Special Collections and Archives, World Music Archives and Music Library, Olin Memorial Library, 252 Church Street
Explore the depth and breadth of Wesleyan’s music collections and installations, including John Cage’s books and papers, African musical instruments, medieval manuscripts and early printed music, graphic and textual scores, and archives, recordings, and images of experimental music at Wesleyan, including the original February 1974 recordings of Cage’s Empty Words and Etcetera being performed in a newly-opened Crowell Concert Hall.
Environmental Performance
Friday, May 10, 2024 at 5:45pm
Andrus Field and Daniel Family Commons Balcony, Usdan University Center, Third Floor, 45 Wyllys Avenue
Featuring a performance of Traversing Mad-hatten by Matt Welch MA ’01.
Concert II: Solos, Duos, and Ensembles
Friday, May 10, 2024 at 8pm
World Music Hall, 40 Wyllys Avenue
Stream on YouTube
Featuring Wesleyan’s Javanese Gamelan Ensemble performing Sekat by University Professor of Music Harjito with Matt Welch MA ’01 on bagpipes, Enchente by Heather Dea Jennings MA ’97, Sine of Merit II by James Fei MA ’99, Free improvisation for Amplified Balloon and Cello by Judy Dunaway MA ’00 and graduate music student Marie Carroll, SuperCollider and Serpent by Charles Hutchins MA ’05, Transcriptions: “Blue / I'm Good” and “Atlas Eclipticalis” by Guitar Instructor Tom Crean MA ’04 performed by Wesleyan's Experi-Pop Guitar Ensemble, The Royal Touch by Nic Collins ’76, MA ’79, Improvisation by Matt Rogalsky MA ’95, Omar Fraire MA ’17 and Matt Wellins MA ’18 performing Star Networks by Ralph Jones, For Alvin Lucier: Music for Sauce Pot and Triangle Beater by Robert Nasta MA ’98, P ’07, and An Image and Reflections by Andre Marquetti MA ’09 performed by Guitar Instructor Tom Crean MA ’04, Elsa Eastwood ’27, David Scanlon MA ’18, and Drew Weddig ’24.
View or download program with notes.
View all NuMusWes24 events.
Images (from left): John Cage at Wesleyan, detail of Anthony Braxton’s Syntactical Ghost Trance Music No. 254, Alvin Lucier with Wesleyan Javanese Gamelan Ensemble