Ritual for Earth: New Works for Laptop Ensemble and EarthSounds Instruments
Wednesday, May 10, 2023 at 8:30pm
World Music Hall
Wesleyan’s Toneburst Laptop and Electronic Arts Ensemble premieres new works, including the world premiere of Ritual for Earth by Assistant Professor of the Practice in Music Jin Hi Kim written for the Laptop Ensemble, EarthSounds Instruments, and members of the Korean Drumming and Creative Music Ensemble. The evening of premieres includes works by ensemble members, in addition to pieces by composers Matthew Evan Taylor and Toneburst alum James P. Falzone. Featuring new works by Nat Baldwin, Sam Boston, James P. Falzone, Parsa Ferdowsi, Tobias Haus, Jin Hi Kim, Zheqin Li, Katarina Mazur, Manuel J. Perez III, Y. Alejandra Martinez Rico, and Matthew Evan Taylor.
Photo by Paula Matthusen.