The Sound Walk: Pauline Oliveros’ Link (1971)
Sunday, May 2, 2021 at 2:00pm
Wesleyan University campus
FREE! For Wesleyan students, faculty, and staff.
In Pauline Oliveros’s Link (1971), later published as Bonn Feier, “the whole city or campus becomes a theater, and all of its inhabitants, players.”
Students in MUSC 201 (Tonal Harmony) and MUSC 438 (Collegium Musicum) will retrace auditory routes around campus encountering costumed guardians, mummers, actors, musicians, dancers, picketers, fantastic sights, and QR codes that connect them to the Vocal Constructivists in Italy, England, and other states, with whom they will engage in multi-modal conversations.
This event will be directly followed by Alvin Lucier's Gentle Fire (1971) on Sunday, May 2, 2021 at 3pm on Zoom.