Virtual Talkback: Reiterate, Resound - Visualizing Time: A Student Video Exhibition
Tuesday, September 29, 2020 at 6:00pm
Join a virtual talkback with four artists featured in "Reiterate, Resound - Visualizing Time: A Student Video Exhibition" - Kyron Rizzo '21, Ben Schneier '21, Alessandra Rizzo '22, and Yao Zhu '21. Ask questions or make observations in conversation with the artists.
The exhibition, curated by Nia Felton '21 and Maya Hayda '21, also includes works by Ayat Al-Muhaisen '20 and Yichen Zhang / Alexa '23.
Click here to stream the six videos on Vimeo.

The concept of time, which can be both concrete and linear as well as abstract and fluid, is inherently difficult to visualize in a single manner. As Elizabeth Grosz writes in the introduction to Becomings, “Time has a quality of intangibility, a fleeting half-life, emitting its duration-particles only in the passing or transformation of objects and events, thus erasing itself as such while it opens itself to movement and change. It has an evanescence, a fleeting or shimmering, highly precarious 'identity' that resists concretization, indication or direct representation.”
In dialogue with the exhibition A SCULPTURE, A FILM & SIX VIDEOS, currently on view in the Main Gallery of the Ezra and Cecile Zilkha Gallery, these videos capture a variety of perspectives on the nature of time. Each of the video submissions for the show responded to the prompt circulated in the spring of 2020: “in this moment, what does time mean to you?” In many of the videos, events are shown to be moving forward continuously, but there is a simultaneous stasis conveyed throughout the works. Utilizing their respective subject matters, as well as the repetition of sound and imagery, the videos introduce elements of cyclicality in addition to disrupting time’s progression. Whether it is in the creation of a painting, the birth and growth of a child, or the recalling of past traumatic events, these videos contend with ideas of how the past can inform the present and resonate into the future in both familiar and transformed manners. The artists featured in Reiterate, Resound have created art that demonstrates just how much time influences the identity and the reality that people experience as time reverberates from the past and into the present and future.
On display in the South Gallery of the Ezra and Cecila Zilkha Gallery through Friday, October 23, 2020. Gallery open to Wesleyan students, faculty, and staff. Gallery hours are Tuesday through Sunday from Noon to 5pm.