Wesleyan Youth Gamelan Ensemble Classes Start
Saturday, January 18, 2020 at 10:00am
World Music Hall
$45 for a semester of classes plus a final performance
Open to all children ages 7 to 14, no prior experience necessary. Come for the first class free—if your child likes it, sign them up!The Youth Gamelan Ensemble at Wesleyan was founded in 2002 by University Professor of Music I.M. Harjito, who guides the group along with Winslow-Kaplan Professor of Music Sumarsam and Director Joseph Getter.
Students learn traditional music from Java, Indonesia on Wesleyan's gamelan instruments. Spring classes conclude with a performance with the Wesleyan Gamelan Ensemble on Thursday, April 30, 2020 at 7pm.
Wesleyan owns one of the finest sets of gamelan instruments in the world, a set from Yogyakarta of mostly gong and metallophone instruments made of bronze.
Register online or call 860-685-3355.