Sebastian Heindl and Rashaan Allwood
Tuesday, October 8, 2019 at 7:00pm
Memorial Chapel, 221 High Street, Middletown
Two world renowned organists will present lecture-recitals on Wesleyan's magnificent Holtkamp pipe organ.
German organist Sebastian Heindl (right), the First Prize winner of the Longwood Gardens International Organ Competition 2019, will present "Reformation - Metamorphosis - Revolution," a program of music by Felix Mendelssohn, Tilo Medek, Thierry Escaich, and Franz Lizst at 7pm.
Canadian organist and composer Rashaan Allwood (left), the First Prize Winner of the Canadian National OSM Manulife Competition 2016, will give a lecture recital, "Musical Idea," on the subtleties of thematic development in the music of Johann Sebastian Bach, Alexandre Guilmant, and Arnold Schoenberg at 8pm.