Wesleyan New Music Group
Saturday, May 11, 2019 at 2:00pm
Crowell Concert Hall - Open Dress Rehearsal
Sunday, May 12, 2019 at 6:00pm
Crowell Concert Hall
Building upon contemporary musical performance practice developed since the early 1960s, the Wesleyan New Music Group directed by Dr. Tyshawn Sorey will perform an open dress rehearsal (Saturday at 2pm) and end-of-semester concert (Sunday at 6pm) featuring works by leading 20th and 21st century music composers. Additionally, ensemble members will perform original works by Wesleyan undergraduate seminar composers Jace Arouet '21, Becket Cerny '19, Tracy Cooper '21, Matthew Forker '19, and Harrison Nir '19.Watch a video about last spring's performance by Wesleyan's Real-Time Autoschediasms for Electroacoustic Creative Orchestra, directed by Assistant Professor of Music Tyshawn Sorey, involving EarthSounds - the ceramic percussion instruments constructed by Ragnar Naess for Tan Dun, which are now owned by Wesleyan University: