Ronald Ebrecht

Annual Organ Romp

Thursday, May 9, 2019 at 10:00pm
Memorial Chapel, 221 High Street, Middletown


Click here to view images from this event on Flickr.

The annual organ romp is a wild and wacky event featuring student and alumni composers with costumes and crazy music. This year’s concert includes graduate and undergraduate student performers and composers as well as special guest Wil Smith. We will crown the May Queen during the concert. The concert also features a parting cameo by Artist in Residence and University Organist Ronald Ebrecht, who retires at the end of the month after 30 years of teaching at Wesleyan.

Listen to an interview with and performance by Ronald Ebrecht from the Center for the Arts Radio Hour. Featuring Johann Sebastian Bach's "Concerto in the Italian Style" from "Klavierübung II;" Élisabeth-Claude Jacquet de la Guerre's "Suite III;" three sonatas by Domenico Scarlatti; and Ernesto Nazareth's "Garôto."