Annual Disability Studies Lecture—Beyond Assimilation: Seeking a Disabled Aesthetic
Thursday, April 4, 2019 at 4:30pm
Bessie Schönberg Dance Studio, 247 Pine Street, Middletown
A lecture/demonstration with Toby MacNutt.
As disability in dance becomes more visible and mainstream, there is pressure to assimilate to mainstream dance aesthetics. But disability presents an enormous range and variation of potential in movement, perception, and thinking, by its very nature, which can expand upon and challenge the existing field. What does it mean to embrace a disabled aesthetic? How does it change dance practices and performance? Toby MacNutt will discuss these questions, show some sample work, and speculate on the future of disability in dance and why it matters.
There will also be a free open class with Toby MacNutt, Relational Dance, on Friday, April 5, 2019 at 1:20pm in the Bessie Schönberg Dance Studio, located at 247 Pine Street in Middletown. No experience necessary, all are welcome.
Co-sponsored by the Dance Department, Disability Studies Course Cluster, Division II Dean’s Office, and Center for Pedagogical Innovation.