Exhibition Walkthrough: Audible Bacillus
Tuesday, February 5, 2019 at 4:30pm
Ezra and Cecile Zilkha Gallery
A walk through the exhibition Audible Bacillus with Smith Curator of Paleontology of the Joe Webb Peoples Museum of Natural History, Harold T. Stearns Professor of Integrative Sciences, and Research Professor, Earth and Environmental Sciences Ellen Thomas; Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow for Writing in the Social Sciences Tess Bird; Professor of Art Jeffrey Schiff; and Curator and Associate Director of Visual Arts Benjamin Chaffee.
This event will be preceded by a lunchtime reading group at 12:15pm in the Usdan University Center, Room 104D, 45 Wyllys Avenue, Middletown.
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Click here to see photos from this event.
Image: Ed Atkins, "Warm, Warm, Warm Spring Mouths," 2013. Still from HD film with with 5.1 surround sound, 12 mins 50 secs. Courtesy the artist and Cabinet, London.
Listen to a conversation between Associate Director of Visual Arts Benjamin Chaffee and Curator of the Davison Art Center Miya Tokumitsu about this exhibition on the Center for the Arts Radio Hour: