Wayang Golek Puppet Play
Saturday, November 10, 2018 at 2:30pm
World Music Hall
Free tickets required
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Yogyakarta Court Puppeteer Ki Gondo Suharno and the Court of Yogyakarta gamelan group, in collaboration with the Wesleyan Gamelan Ensemble, will perform Wayang Golek, featuring three-dimensional puppets made of wood and cloth reenacting stories based on the Islamic story of Amir Hamzah.
Visit here for a full listing of events.
Co-presented with Yale University, Asia Society, and the American Indonesian Cultural and Educational Foundation.
Read the "News @ Wesleyan" story Wesleyan Gamelan Ensemble Participates in Indonesian Festival.
Read about the Dr. Walter Angst and Sir Henry Angest collection of Indonesian puppetry at Yale University Art Gallery.