Light of the Blind: Music Department Colloquium - Xâm Street Music [POSTPONED]
Thursday, October 5, 2017 at 4:30pm
Ring Family Performing Arts Hall
Light of the Blind continues with the Wesleyan Music Department Colloquium - a panel discussion led by Wesleyan’s Assistant Professor of East Asian Studies and English Marguerite Nguyen, and Assistant Professor of Government Yamil Velez, with guest panelists Yale’s Senior Lector II in Southeast Asia Studies at the MacMillan Center Quang Phu Van, and Associate Professor of Anthropology Erik Harms. Moderated by Wesleyan’s John Spence Camp Professor of Music Neely Bruce.
The panel discussion will be followed at 5:30pm by a reception in the lower lobby of World Music Hall.
Wesleyan University's Allbritton Center for the Study of Public Life and Yale University present Light of the Blind, a series of workshops, colloquia, and concert performances. The project aims to create a deeper awareness and understanding of the healing possibilities of music for those struggling in the aftermath of the Vietnam War, and to offer a forum for conversations between American and Vietnamese-American communities. The Vietnamese practice of Xẩm singing will inform the discussion, as audience and performers collaborate on cross-cultural musical experiences.
Organized by the Wesleyan University Music Department and Yale University’s Council on Southeast Asia Studies. Supported by Wesleyan’s Allbritton Center for the Study of Public Life Collaborative Project, College of East Asian Studies, and Center for the Arts.