Bach to School
Friday, September 11, 2015 at 8:30pm
Memorial Chapel
Click here to view the full album on flickr.
Artist in Residence and University Organist Ronald Ebrecht’s sixth annual opening of the Wesleyan concert calendar will feature a lively recital of works by Johann Sebastian Bach, César Franck, Felix Mendelssohn, Charles-Marie Widor, and John Spencer Camp Professor of Music Neely Bruce. The concert will also feature percussionist Anthony DeQuattro. The concert will be preceded by a dinner with the artist co-sponsored by the American Guild of Organists. The cost of the dinner is $15, payable by cash or check made out to "AGO Waterbury Chapter." The event will be held in Allbritton 311. To RSVP or for any questions, please contact Michael Petruzzi at mpetruzzi_ago@yahoo.com or (203) 592-6497.
Photo by Sandy Aldieri